CERL Thesaurus

thesaurus/cnp02057832 Barton, William

Barton, William

Identifiant de la noticecnp02057832
Données biographiques1754 - 1817
Dernière modification2024-02-08

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Autres données biographiques1754-1817
Note géographiqueUS (iso3166)


RubriqueBarton, William
utilisé dans: Integrated Authority File (GND), Allemagne
depiction of ...
Book print of a painting of William Barton, one of the principal designers of the Great Seal of the United States
[Charles Willson Peale / Extracted from PDF version of Creating the Great Seal poster, part of a U.S. Diplomacy Center (State Department) exhibition on the 225th anniversary of the Great Seal. Direct PDF URL [1] (18MB)Courtesy of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania -- Public domain -- http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:WilliamBarton.jpg]

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