CERL Thesaurus

thesaurus/cnp02038294 Verdon, Gwen

Verdon, Gwen

Record IDcnp02038294
Last Edit2024-08-14

General Note

US-amerik. Schauspielerin und Tänzerin u.a. am Broadway

More Information

Further Biographical Data13.01.1025-18.10.2000
ActivityPersonen zu Theater, Tanz (15.1p) (sswd)
Musicaldarstellerin (gnd)
Schauspielerin (gnd)
Tänzerin (gnd)
Interpret: Singstimme (gnd)
Musikerin (gnd)
Geographic NoteUS (iso3166)

Place of Activity

Place of ActivityBroadway, New York, NY
Woodstock, Vt.
nach LCAuth New York, N.Y.. -- Sterbeort
Culver City, Calif.
nach LCAuth Los Angeles, Calif.. -- Geburtsort


HeadingVerdon, Gwen
used in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Complete NameVerdon, Gwyneth Evelyn
Vollstaendiger Name


Found inLCAuth
depiction of ...
Photo of dancer/actress Gwen Verdon from an appearance on Goodyear Television Playhouse.
[Bureau of Industrial Service. This was a division of ad agency Young & Rubicam and was widely used by those in the television industry for distribution of publicity material. Photo by Murray Korman, New York. / eBayfrontback -- Public domain -- http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Gwen Verdon 1954.jpg]

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