CERL Thesaurus

thesaurus/cnp02029052 Schreiber von Cronstern, Gabriel Christ.

Schreiber von Cronstern, Gabriel Christ.

Record IDcnp02029052
Biographical Data1740 - 1767
Last Edit2021-11-06

General Note

Dt. Jurist; geboren in Schleswig

More Information

Further Biographical Data1740-1767
ActivityJurist (gnd)
Geographic NoteDE (iso3166)

Place of Activity

Place of ActivityGöttingen


HeadingSchreiber von Cronstern, Gabriel Christ.
used in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Complete NameSchreiber von Cronstern, Gabriel Christian
Vollstaendiger Name
Variant NameCronstern, Gabr. Christ. Schreiber ¬von¬
Schreiber von Cronstern, Gabr. Christ.
Cronstern, Gabriel Christian Schreiber ¬von¬
Schreiber de Cronstern, Gabriel Christianus
Cronstern, Gabriel Christ. Schreiber ¬von¬
Schreiber de Cronstern, Gabriel Christianvs


Found inWBIS, Scandinavian Biographical Archive I A-58,59
Imprint SourcesDissertatio Solemnis Iuridica De Testamento Ad Interrogationem Alterius Condito .... - 1761
Gedichte .... - 1760

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