1583 Pfarrer in Risch, 1584 Leutpriester in Baden, 1588-1609 Visitator der Frauenklöster Eschenbach und Rathausen, 1589-91 Propst am Stift im Hof in Luzern, 1604-07 Kommissar des Bistums Konstanz für den Stand Luzern, 1607-10 Propst des Klosters Beromünster.
IntestazioneEmberger, Peter Usata in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Fonti esterne
Trovato inHLS: Stand 17.08.2022: https://hls-dhs-dss.ch/de/articles/025897/
portrait of Peter Emberger exhibit in the library hall of ZHB Luzern (Switzerland) [
/ This image is from the collection of ZentralGut.ch and has been published on Wikimedia Commons as part of a cooperation with Wikimedia CH. Corrections and additional information are welcome. -- Public domain -- http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:ZHB SoSa Portrait 034 cropped.jpg]