CERL Thesaurus

thesaurus/cnp02008112 Lincoln, Elizabeth Clinton, Countess of

Lincoln, Elizabeth Clinton, Countess of

Record IDcnp02008112
Biographical Data1574 - 1630
Last Edit2020-04-09

General Note

Englische Gräfin und Verfasserin eines Ratgebers für junge Mütter, ihre Kinder selbst zu stillen

More Information

Further Biographical Data1574-1630. Todesjahr fraglich
Title of NobilityGräfin (gnd)
ActivityAdel (gnd)
Schriftstellerin (gnd)
Geographic NoteGroßbritannien
GB (iso3166)


HeadingLincoln, Elizabeth Clinton, Countess of
used in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Former NameKnevet, Elizabeth
Frueherer Name
Knevett, Elizabeth
Frueherer Name
Knevitt, Elizabeth
Frueherer Name
Knyvett, Elizabeth
Frueherer Name
Variant NameClinton, Elizabeth
Clinton Lincoln, Elizabeth
Lincoln, Elizabeth Knevet Clinton, Countess of
Lincolne, Elizabeth, Countess of
Lincolne, Elizabeth Clinton, Countess of


Found inLCAuth. — WBIS,BBA,I 652,250-257. — III 270,217-221
Imprint SourcesThe Countess of Lincolnes nursery. - 1622

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