Voir aussiFriedrich, II., Brandenburg, Markgraf Beziehung beruflich. -- Kanzler
Lebus Affiliation. -- Domprobst
Università degli Studi, Bologna Affiliation. -- Prokurator der deutschen Nation
RubriqueSesselmann, Friedrich utilisé dans: Integrated Authority File (GND), Allemagne
Trouvé dansStötzel
Side bust in the monument group â„– 16 in the former Siegesallee in Berlin commemorating the Chancellor and Bishop Friedrich Sesselmann. Sculptor: Alexander Calandrelli. The sculpture was unveiled on 22 December 1898. [Alexander Calandrelli (sculptor) / Richard George (Hrsg.) Hie gut Brandenburg alleweg!, Verlag von W. Pauli'sNachfahren, Berlin 1900, page 254 -- Public domain -- http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Friedrich Sesselmann Siegesallee.JPG]
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