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thesaurus/cnp01939527 Maria, Gloucester, Duchess

Maria, Gloucester, Duchess

Record IDcnp01939527
Biographical Data1736 - 1807
Last Edit2024-02-08

General Note

Uneheliche Tochter von Edward Walpole u. Dorothy Clement; 1759 Heirat mit James Waldegrave, 2nd Earl Waldegrave; 1766 in zweiter Ehe verheiratet mit Prinz Henry, Duke of Gloucester (1743-1805), Sohn von Prinz Frederick of Wales u. Bruder von George III.; durch ihre Ehe wurde u. a. 1772 The Royal Marriages Act verabschiedet

More Information

Further Biographical Data10.07.1736-22.08.1807
Title of NobilityGräfin (gnd)
Herzogin (gnd)
Geographic NoteGroßbritannien
GB (iso3166)

Place of Activity

Place of ActivityClewer


HeadingMaria, Gloucester, Duchess
used in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Former NameWalpole, Maria
Frueherer Name
Later NameWaldegrave, Countess
Spaeterer Name
Waldegrave, Maria Waldegrave
Spaeterer Name
Variant NameGloucester, Duchess ¬of¬
Gloucester, Maria ¬of¬
Gloucester and Edinburgh, Duchess ¬of¬
Maria, Gloucester, Herzogin


Found inLCAuth (VIAF ID: 83642158 (Personal)
depiction of ...
Maria, Duchess of Gloucester and Edinburgh (1736-1807)
[Thomas Gainsborough / Derived from Taft Museum of Art -- Public domain -- http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Maria Walpole, Duchess of Gloucester, by Thomas Gainsborough.jpg]

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