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thesaurus/cnp01939247 Fitzwilliam, William

Fitzwilliam, William

Record IDcnp01939247
Bibliografische gegevens1490 - 1542
Plaats van overlijdenNewcastle-upon-Tyne
Voor het laatst bewerkt2024-02-08

Algemene noot

Sohn von Sir Thomas Fitzwilliam; nach 1509 diente er Hof Heinrichs VIII.; seit 1512 "Esquire of the Body" am Hof von Heinrich VIII.; 1513 Kommandant eines Schiffesdiente in der Flotte u. kämpfte in Frankreich; 1520 Ernennung 1520 Vizeadmiral; 1525 in diplomatischer Mission in Frankreich; nach d. Rückkehr Ernennung z. Treasurer of the Household; von 1540 bis 1542 Lordsiegelbewahrer; 1st Earl of Southampton

Meer informatie

Verdere bibliografische gegevens1490-1542. Geburtsjahr ca.
Adelijke titelGraf (gnd)
Admiral (gnd)
Diplomat (gnd)
Geografische nootGroßbritannien
GB (iso3166)
Merk, motto, wapen, etc.Provenienzmerkmal – Teken Show image

Plaats van werkzaamheid

Plaats van overlijdenNewcastle-upon-Tyne


KopjeFitzwilliam, William
gebruikt in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
NaamsvariantFitzWilliam, William
Fiz-Williams, William
Southampton, Earl
Southampton, Fitzwilliam, William ¬of¬
William, Southampton, Earl


Gevonden inBritish Biographical Archive (WBIS). — BAV (VIAF ID: 88670515)
depiction of ...
Portrait of William FitzWilliam, 1st Earl of Southampton. Black and coloured chalks, metalpoint, on pink-primed paper, 38.8 × 27.4 cm, Royal Collection, Windsor Castle. The retracing of outlines with metalpoint seems to have been done when transferring the design to a panel for painting. No painting of FitzWilliam by Holbein himself survives, but a copy of a full-length portrait of the sitter, purporting to date from 1542, is in the Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge. Art historian K. T. Parker, in his study of the Windsor drawings, judged the sketch as "one of the most impressive and purest of the series" (Parker, p. 54).William FitzWilliam, 1st Earl of Southampton (c. 1490-1542), was Lord Privy Seal in 1553, Lord High Admiral, 1536-40, and became Earl of Southampton in 1537.Reference
  • K. T. Parker, The Drawings of Hans Holbein at Windsor Castle, Oxford: Phaidon, 1945, OCLC 822974.

[Hans Holbein the Younger / Royal Collection -- Public domain -- http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:William Fitzwilliam, Earl of Southampton, by Hans Holbein the Younger.jpg]

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