RubriqueYorke, Philip utilisé dans: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris
VarianteHardwicke, Philip Yorke, comte de
Trouvé dansThe life and correspondence / of Philip Yorke, Earl of Hardwicke, Lord High Chancellor of Great Britain, by Philip C. Yorke, 1913. — DNB : Yorke, Philip, first earl of Hardwicke. — BN Cat. gén. : Yorke, Philip, 1er comte de Hardwicke, chancelier d'Angleterre
Philip Yorke, 1st Earl of Hardwicke (1690-1764)
wearing the robes of the keeper of the Great Seal
[William Hoare / Sotheby's -- Public domain -- Yorke, 1st Earl of Hardwicke (1690-1764) by William Hoare of Bath.jpg]
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