Jurist and author. Born in Clapham 1847, educated John Andrews School Brighton, entered University Coll., Durham but left soon after. Admitted a student of the Middle Temple 1866, called to the Bar 1869. Published a work on copyright 1870. Settled in Manchester 1870. Published several large works on conveyancing 1872-1886. Appointed lecturer in law, Owens Coll., Manchester 1888, professor in law 1892, dean of the faculty of law, Victoria Univ., Manchester. Awarded LLD 1889, M.A Victoria Univ., 1905. First president of the Bibliographical Society in London. Died Salford 1910.
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Autres données biographiques1847-1910
RubriqueCopinger, Walter Arthur utilisé dans: The University of Aberdeen Library
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