General Note
Studium in Zerbst, Frankfurt/Oder, Halle, Leiden und Amsterdam; praktischer Arzt in Zerbst; 1709 a.o. Prof. med. In Halle 1709; 1713 Prof. med. in Duisburg, 1716 Prof. med. in Frankfurt (Oder)
praktischer Arzt in Zerbst; Studium in Zerbst, Frankfurt/Oder, Halle, Leiden u. Amsterdam; 1709: a.o. Prof. med. In Halle; 1713: Prof. med. in Duisburg, 1716: Prof. med. in Frankfurt (Oder)
HeadingGoelicke, Andreas Ottomar
used in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany; Common Library Network (GBV), Göttingen (Germany); Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands, Den Haag (Netherlands); NUKAT union catalogue of Polish academic and research libraries
Goelicke, Andreas Ottomar
used in: Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands, Den Haag (Netherlands)
Variant NameGoelicke, Andreas O.
Goelicke, Andreas Ottom.
Goelicke, Andreas Ottomarus
Goelickius, Andreas Ottomar
Goelickius, Andreas Ottomarus
Gölicke, Andreas Ottomar
Gölicke, Andreas Ottomarus
Gölike, Andreas Ottomarus
Goelicke, Andr. Ottomarus
Goelicke, Andreas
Goelicke, Andreas Ottom.
Goelicke, Andreas Ottomarus
Goelickius, Andreas Ottomarus
Goelicke, Andreas Ottomarus
Goelicke, Andr. Ottomar
Found inEpistola anatomica problematica nona / authore Andrea Ottomaro Goelicke [...]. - Amstelaedami, 1744. — LCC online. — VD 17 online. — LoC-NA. — LCAuth. — ADB. — Wikipedia: Stand: 31.01.2022: — DbA I 401,179-186 und II 458,44. — III 302,229. — Catalogus Professorum Halensis: (Stand. 13.10.17). — Roden, Günter von: Die Universtät Duisburg, S. 267
Imprint SourcesGoelicke, Andreas O.: Historia anatomiae nova aeque ac antiqua. - 1713
Goelicke, Andreas O.: Historia anatomiae nova. - 1713
Goelicke, Andreas O.: Historia anatomiae. - 1713
Goelicke, Andreas O.: Historia chirurgiae antiqua. - 1713
Goelicke, Andreas O.: Historia medicinae universalis, qua celbriorum quorumcunque medicor*. - 1717
Goelicke, Andreas O.: Introductio in historiam litterariam anatomes, seu [et]c. - 1738
Goelicke, Andreas O.: Introductio in historiam litterariam anatomes. - 1738
Goelicke, Andreas O.: Introductio in historiam litterariam scriptorum qui medicinam foren*. - 1723
Goelicke, Andreas O.: Specimen medicinae forensis quo demonstratur partum octimestrem .... - [1708?]
Goelicke, Andreas O.: Spiritus animalis ex foro medico relegatus, sive. - 1725
Historia anatomiae nova aeque ac antiqua. - 1713
Historia anatomiae nova. - 1713
Historia anatomiae. - 1713
Spiritus animalis ex foro medico relegatus, sive. - 1725
Historia medicinae universalis, qua celbriorum quorumcunque .... - 1717
Introductio in historiam litterariam scriptorum qui medicinam .... - 1723
Epistola anatomica, problematica nona [...] ad [..... / By Andreas Ottomar Goelicke..., 1697
Epistola anatomica, problematica nona [...] ad [..... / By Andreas Ottomar Goelicke..., 1744
Specimen medicinae forensis quo demonstratur partum octimestrem .... - 1708