CERL Thesaurus

thesaurus/cnp01879109 Grégoire, Henri


_id: cnp01879109
  delete: 0
  edit: 0
    - lang: ger
      text: '1484 - 1513'
    - intro: lang
      lang: eng
      text: Latin
    - intro: irsp
      lang: fre
      text: Auteur
    - intro: acti
      lang: ger
      text: Großpönitentiar
    - end: 1503
      intro: acti
      lang: ger
      start: 1484
      text: Kardinalbischof
    - end: 1513
      intro: acti
      lang: ger
      start: 1503
      text: Papst
    - intro: acti
      lang: pol
      text: 'Franciszkanin, od 1471 kardynał. Od 1503 papież Juliusz II.'
    - authority: sswd
      intro: acti
      lang: ger
      text: Personen der Geschichte (Politiker und historische Persönlichkeiten) (16.5p)
      uri: http://d-nb.info/standards/vocab/gnd/gnd-sc#16.5p
    - authority: sswd
      intro: acti
      lang: ger
      text: 'Personen zu Kirchengeschichte, Systematischer und Praktischer Theologie, Kirche und Konfession (3.6p)'
      uri: http://d-nb.info/standards/vocab/gnd/gnd-sc#3.6p
    - authority: sswd
      intro: acti
      lang: ger
      text: 'Personen zu politischer Theorie, Militär (8.4p)'
      uri: http://d-nb.info/standards/vocab/gnd/gnd-sc#8.4p
    - authority: gnd
      intro: acti
      lang: ger
      text: Papst
      uri: http://d-nb.info/gnd/4044561-6
    - end: 1513
      lang: cat
      start: 1443
      text: 'Albissola, 1443-Roma, 1513'
    - end: 1513
      lang: fre
      start: 1443
      text: 1443-1513
    - end: 1513
      lang: ger
      start: 1443
      text: '1443 - 1513'
    - end: 1513
      lang: pol
      start: 1443
      text: 1443-1513
    - end: 1513
      lang: ger
      start: 1443
      text: '1443 - 1513'
    - code: GGSO
        - lang: eng
          text: Authority record
      searchTerm: 036-02815-003
      typeOfResource: info
    - code: WIKI
      searchTerm: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pope_Julius_II
      typeOfResource: info
    - code: VIAF
        - lang: eng
          text: Clustered authority record
      searchTerm: http://viaf.org/viaf/51697938
      typeOfResource: same
    - code: BNFR
        - lang: eng
          text: Authority record
      searchTerm: http://data.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb119549219
      typeOfResource: same
    - code: DBPD
        - lang: eng
          text: Authority record
      searchTerm: http://dbpedia.org/resource/Pope_Julius_II
      typeOfResource: same
    - code: DNBI
        - lang: eng
          text: Authority record
      searchTerm: http://d-nb.info/gnd/118714090
      typeOfResource: same
    - code: NLSW
        - lang: eng
          text: Authority record
      searchTerm: http://libris.kb.se/resource/auth/329911
      typeOfResource: same
    - code: SUDO
        - lang: eng
          text: Authority record
      searchTerm: http://www.idref.fr/027528081/id
      typeOfResource: same
    - code: VIAF
        - lang: eng
          text: Clustered authority record
      searchTerm: http://viaf.org/viaf/51697938
      typeOfResource: same
    - code: WDAT
        - lang: eng
          text: Wikidata description set
      searchTerm: http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q80516
      typeOfResource: same
    - code: GGSP
        - lang: eng
          text: See here for occurrences of this person in Germania Sacra Online
      searchTerm: 302353
      typeOfResource: info
    - code: PARB
        - lang: eng
          text: Authority record
      searchTerm: http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb119549219
      typeOfResource: orig
    - code: KAPE
        - lang: eng
          text: Manuscript material
      searchTerm: 118714090
      typeOfResource: bibl
    - code: LINK
        - lang: eng
          text: Image
      rights: 'Raphael / arte.it -- Public domain -- http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Pope Julius II.jpg'
      searchTerm: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:FilePath/File:Pope Julius II.jpg
      typeOfResource: dpct
    - note:
        - lang: eng
          text: Display the original Edit16 name's record
      url: http://edit16.iccu.sbn.it/scripts/iccu_ext.dll?fn=11&i=3147
    - auth: GScrO
      country: DE
      date: 20131128
      id: 036-02815-003
    - auth: ES-BaCBU
      country: ES
      date: 20110818
      id: .a10473749
    - auth: ES-BaCBU
      country: ES
      date: 20131016
      id: .a10473749
    - auth: ES-BaCBU
      country: ES
      date: 20131016
      id: .a10539955
    - auth: ES-BaCBU
      country: ES
      date: 20140723
      id: .a10539955
    - auth: ES-BaCBU
      country: ES
      date: 20141001
      id: .a10473749
    - auth: ES-BaCBU
      country: ES
      date: 20160509
      id: .a10473749
    - auth: BNF
      catRules: AFNOR Z 44-061
      country: FR
      date: 20021015
      id: FRBNF119549213
    - auth: nukat
      country: PL
      id: n 99008158
    - auth: plolw
      country: PL
      date: 20130314
      id: vtls001015478
    - auth: ICCU
      catRules: RICA
      country: IT
      date: 20060107
      id: CNCA003147
    - auth: ICCU
      catRules: RICA
      country: IT
      date: 20060107
      id: CNCA14541
    - auth: GND
      catRules: rda
      country: DE
      date: 20210303
      id: 118714090
    - auth: ES-BaCBU
      country: ES
      date: 20210525
      id: .a10473749
    - auth: GND
      catRules: rda
      country: DE
      date: 20221201
      id: 118714090
    - BSBAK
    - IBI
    - ADCAM
    - NUC
    - DEI
    - EI
    - IBN
    - BLC
    - DBI
    - EP
    - GDEL
    - 'Dictionnaire historique de la papauté / Philippe Levillain, 1994'
    - 'GEC (en línia), 16 oct. 2007 (Juli II; n. Albissola, 1443; m. Roma, 1513; nom que adoptà Giuliano della Rovere en esdevenir papa, 1503-13)'
    - 'Leksykon papieży / Rudolf Fischer-Wollpert. - Kraków, 1990'
    - 'Papieże / Christopher Hibbert. - Warszawa, 1999'
    - 'OPALE(P). - 1998'
    - 'Kp. Maximi Tyrii Philosophi Platonici Sermones siue Disputationes XLI [...]. - [Genevae], 1557 (Adr. ded)'
    - 'Kp. M. Vitrvvivs Per Iocvndvm Solito Castigatior Factvs Cvm Figvris Et Tabvla Vt Iam Legi Et Intelligi Possit. - (Impressum Venetiis, 22 V 1511) (Adr. ded)'
    - 'Wikipedia: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julius_II.'
  gender: b
    - lang: ger
      text: Papst vom 1. November 1503-21. Februar 1513.
    - lang: fre
      text: 'Pape de 1503 à 1513. Note de regroupement par domaine: Religion (200).'
    - lang: ger
      text: Papst seit 1503
    - lang: ita
      text: 'Giuliano della Rovere, nato ad Albissola (Savona) nel 1443 e morto a Roma nel 1513. Fu francescano, nel 1471 ebbe dallo zio Francesco, papa Sisto IV, la porpora cardinalizia. Fu eletto papa nel 1503.'
    - intro: nati
      lang: eng
      text: Italian
    - end: 1503
      intro: dioc
      lang: ger
      start: 1484
      text: Ostia
    - intro: ctry
      lang: ger
      text: Italien
    - authority: iso3166
      intro: geon
      lang: und
      text: IT
    - authority: iso3166
      intro: geon
      lang: und
      text: VA
    - end: 1484
      intro: dioc
      lang: ger
      start: ''
      text: Trier
    - part:
        - entry: Iulius
        - addition: papa
        - addition: 2
        - ICCU
    - part:
        - entry: Jules
        - addition: II
        - addition: pape
        - BNF
    - part:
        - entry: Juli
        - addition: papa
        - addition: 1443-1513
        - CANTIC
    - part:
        - entry: Julius
        - addition: II.
        - addition: Giuliano della Rovere
        - GScrO
    - part:
        - entry: Julius
        - addition: II.
        - addition: Papst
        - GyFmDB
    - part:
        - entry: Juliusz
        - addition: II
        - addition: papież
        - nukat
    - title: 'Breve ad Reges, Duces et Principes Christianos: in quo Continentur ... - 1511'
    - title: 'Breve de Causis Romanorum in Captiolio cognoscendis. - s.a.'
    - title: 'Bulla Annatarum prima. - 1505'
    - title: 'Bulla Censurarum in singulos de Consilio et interdicti generalis ... - 1510'
    - title: 'Bulla Damnatio conciliabuli Pisani. - 1512'
    - title: 'Bulla contra aspirantes ad Papatum simoniace. - 1505'
    - title: 'Bulla edita contra Iohannem Bentivolum in civitate Bononiensi ... - 1506'
    - id: VD16 D 822
      source: BSBVD16
      title: 'Form vnd Wesen summarie begriffen der handlũg zwischen Roemischer kayserlicher Maiestat ... 1509. '
    - title: 'Julii papae II bulla contra aspirantes ad papatum symoniace, 1515'
    - title: 'Breve ad Reges, Duces et Principes Christianos: in quo Continentur ... - 1512'
    - title: 'Bulla Annatarum prima et secunda. - 1505'
    - title: 'Collectio Brevium et Bullarum Papae Iulii II.. - 1512'
    - note:
        - lang: ger
          text: 4ELRAKm
        - entry: Della Rovere
        - firstname: Giuliano
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Della Rovere
        - firstname: Giuliano
        - addition: 1443-1513
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Della Rovere
        - firstname: Giuliano
        - addition: Pape
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Della Rovere
        - firstname: Giuliano
        - addition: Papst
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Della Rovere
        - firstname: Giuliano
        - addition: Pope
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: ger
          text: RAK alt
        - entry: DellaRovere
        - firstname: Giuliano
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: ita
          text: EDIT16-ID:CNCA14541
        - entry: Della_Rovere
        - firstname: Giuliano
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Giuliano
        - addition: della Rovere
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Giulio
        - addition: II
        - addition: papa
        - addition: 1443-1513
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: fre
          text: Nom en religion
        - entry: Giulio
        - addition: II
        - addition: pape
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: ita
          text: Nome su edizioni
        - entry: Giulio II
        - EP
        - EI
        - DEI
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Giulio II papa/Giuliano della Rovere
        - DBI
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Giulio II/Giulio della Rovere
        - IBI
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: ita
          text: Nome su edizioni
        - entry: Iulio papa secundo
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: ita
          text: Nome su edizioni
        - entry: Iulius
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Iulius
        - addition: II
        - addition: pontifex maximus
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Iulius
        - addition: II.
        - addition: Papa
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: ita
          text: Nome su edizioni
        - entry: Iulius II
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: ita
          text: Nome su edizioni
        - entry: Iulius Secundus
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: ita
          text: Nome su edizioni
        - entry: Iulius papa II
        - BSBAK
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: ita
          text: Nome su edizioni
        - entry: Iulius secundus
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: fre
          text: Nom en religion
        - entry: Jules
        - addition: 2
        - addition: pape
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Jules
        - addition: II
        - addition: Pape
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Jules
        - addition: II
        - addition: Papst
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Jules
        - addition: II
        - addition: Pope
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: fre
          text: Nom en religion
        - entry: Jules
        - addition: II
        - addition: pape
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Jules
        - addition: II
        - addition: pape
        - addition: 1443-1513
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Jules
        - addition: II.
        - addition: Pape
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Julianus
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Julien
        - addition: della Rovere
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Julio
        - addition: II
        - addition: Pape
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Julio
        - addition: II
        - addition: Papst
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Julio
        - addition: II
        - addition: Pope
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Julio
        - addition: II
        - addition: papa
        - addition: 1443-1513
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Julio
        - addition: II.
        - addition: Papa
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Julio
        - addition: Papst
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: fre
          text: Nom en religion
        - entry: Julius
        - addition: 2
        - addition: pape
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: eng
          text: '[*French*]'
        - entry: Julius
        - addition: II
        - addition: Pape
        - CH-GND
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Julius
        - addition: II
        - addition: Papst
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: eng
          text: '[*English*]'
        - entry: Julius
        - addition: II
        - addition: Pope
        - CH-GND
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Julius
        - addition: II
        - addition: papa
        - addition: 1443-1513
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Julius
        - addition: II
        - addition: papa
        - addition: 1443-1513.
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: eng
          text: Latin
        - lang: eng
          text: name in religionm
        - lang: fre
          text: Nom en religion
        - entry: Julius
        - addition: II
        - addition: pape
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Julius
        - addition: II.
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Julius
        - addition: II.
        - addition: Pontifex Maximus
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Julius
        - addition: II.
        - addition: Pontifex Romanus
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: ita
          text: Nome su edizioni
        - entry: Julius II
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Julius II papa/Della Rovere
        - firstname: Giuliano
        - IBN
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Julius II pope
        - NUC
        - ADCAM
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Julius II pope/Giuliano della Rovere
        - BLC
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Rovere
        - firstname: Giuliano
        - nonsort: della
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Rovere
        - firstname: Giuliano della
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Rovere
        - firstname: Julian
        - nonsort: della
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: ita
          text: Nome su edizioni
        - entry: papa Iulio
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Iulius
        - addition: II.
        - addition: P.M.
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Iulius
        - addition: II.
        - addition: Pontifex Maximus
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Julius
        - addition: II.
        - addition: P.M.
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Julius
        - addition: II.
        - addition: Papa
      typeOfName: varn
    - id: cnl00020068
        - lang: fre
          text: Lieu de naissance
        - name: Albisola (Italie)
      start: 1443
      typeOfPlace: brth
    - id: cnl00016199
        - lang: fre
          text: Lieu de mort
        - name: Rome
      start: 1513
      typeOfPlace: deat
    - note:
        - lang: ger
          text: Geburtsort
        - name: Albisola Superior
      tmp: (GND)4428342-8
      typeOfPlace: brth
    - id: cnl00029123
        - lang: ger
          text: Sterbeort
        - name: Rom
      tmp: (GND)4050471-2
      typeOfPlace: deat
    - end: 1484
      id: cnl00028368
        - name: Münstermaifeld
      start: ''
      typeOfPlace: actv
    - id: cnl00042348
        - lang: ger
          text: Geburtsort
        - name: Albisola Superior
      tmp: (GND)4428342-8
      typeOfPlace: brth
    - id: cnl00029123
        - lang: ger
          text: Sterbeort
        - name: Rom
      tmp: (GND)4050471-2
      typeOfPlace: deat
    - cnp00398698
    - cnp01236078
    - cnp01319258
    - cnp01445860
    - cnp01467425
    - part:
        - entry: Església Catòlica.
        - firstname: 'Papa (1503-1513 : Juli II)'
      typeOfEntity: cnc
      typeOfRelationship: ex:hasRelatedEntity
    - end: 1484
      id: cnc00021054
        - lang: ger
          text: Propst
        - entry: Kollegiatstift St. Martin und St. Severus zu Münstermaifeld
      start: ''
      typeOfEntity: cnc
      typeOfRelationship: ex:hasRelatedEntity
  typeOfEntry: 0
    - timestamp: 2014-09-24T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2016-10-29T10:10:16Z
    - timestamp: 2016-11-09T11:20:43Z
    - timestamp: 2016-11-21T10:29:10Z
    - timestamp: 2016-11-29T10:19:19Z
    - timestamp: 2017-02-21T16:57:39Z
    - timestamp: 2018-02-22T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2018-03-05T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2018-12-12T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2019-05-03T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2019-09-25T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2020-03-09T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2020-05-27T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2020-09-14T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2021-03-15T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2021-07-26T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2022-09-06T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2023-02-09T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2024-02-08T12:00:00Z
    - id: cnp01315840
      similarity: 1
    - archaeo18
    - BAV|ADV10094896
    - BNE|XX1183372
    - LC|n 80030746
    - NKC|jn20000700841
    - NLIlat|000072545
    - NUKAT|n 99008158
    - SELIBR|329911
    - SUDOC|027528081
  status: n


Den Haag, KB nationale bibliotheek: 1703 F 29:3-4
Den Haag, KB nationale bibliotheek: 1703 F 29:3-4

Άλλες μορφές

Μπορείτε επίσης να κατεβάσετε την εγγραφή σε μία από τις ακόλουθες μορφές


_id: cnp01879109
  delete: 0
  edit: 0
    - lang: ger
      text: '1484 - 1513'
    - intro: lang
      lang: eng
      text: Latin
    - intro: irsp
      lang: fre
      text: Auteur
    - intro: acti
      lang: ger
      text: Großpönitentiar
    - end: 1503
      intro: acti
      lang: ger
      start: 1484
      text: Kardinalbischof
    - end: 1513
      intro: acti
      lang: ger
      start: 1503
      text: Papst
    - intro: acti
      lang: pol
      text: 'Franciszkanin, od 1471 kardynał. Od 1503 papież Juliusz II.'
    - authority: sswd
      intro: acti
      lang: ger
      text: Personen der Geschichte (Politiker und historische Persönlichkeiten) (16.5p)
      uri: http://d-nb.info/standards/vocab/gnd/gnd-sc#16.5p
    - authority: sswd
      intro: acti
      lang: ger
      text: 'Personen zu Kirchengeschichte, Systematischer und Praktischer Theologie, Kirche und Konfession (3.6p)'
      uri: http://d-nb.info/standards/vocab/gnd/gnd-sc#3.6p
    - authority: sswd
      intro: acti
      lang: ger
      text: 'Personen zu politischer Theorie, Militär (8.4p)'
      uri: http://d-nb.info/standards/vocab/gnd/gnd-sc#8.4p
    - authority: gnd
      intro: acti
      lang: ger
      text: Papst
      uri: http://d-nb.info/gnd/4044561-6
    - end: 1513
      lang: cat
      start: 1443
      text: 'Albissola, 1443-Roma, 1513'
    - end: 1513
      lang: fre
      start: 1443
      text: 1443-1513
    - end: 1513
      lang: ger
      start: 1443
      text: '1443 - 1513'
    - end: 1513
      lang: pol
      start: 1443
      text: 1443-1513
    - end: 1513
      lang: ger
      start: 1443
      text: '1443 - 1513'
    - code: GGSO
        - lang: eng
          text: Authority record
      searchTerm: 036-02815-003
      typeOfResource: info
    - code: WIKI
      searchTerm: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pope_Julius_II
      typeOfResource: info
    - code: VIAF
        - lang: eng
          text: Clustered authority record
      searchTerm: http://viaf.org/viaf/51697938
      typeOfResource: same
    - code: BNFR
        - lang: eng
          text: Authority record
      searchTerm: http://data.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb119549219
      typeOfResource: same
    - code: DBPD
        - lang: eng
          text: Authority record
      searchTerm: http://dbpedia.org/resource/Pope_Julius_II
      typeOfResource: same
    - code: DNBI
        - lang: eng
          text: Authority record
      searchTerm: http://d-nb.info/gnd/118714090
      typeOfResource: same
    - code: NLSW
        - lang: eng
          text: Authority record
      searchTerm: http://libris.kb.se/resource/auth/329911
      typeOfResource: same
    - code: SUDO
        - lang: eng
          text: Authority record
      searchTerm: http://www.idref.fr/027528081/id
      typeOfResource: same
    - code: VIAF
        - lang: eng
          text: Clustered authority record
      searchTerm: http://viaf.org/viaf/51697938
      typeOfResource: same
    - code: WDAT
        - lang: eng
          text: Wikidata description set
      searchTerm: http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q80516
      typeOfResource: same
    - code: GGSP
        - lang: eng
          text: See here for occurrences of this person in Germania Sacra Online
      searchTerm: 302353
      typeOfResource: info
    - code: PARB
        - lang: eng
          text: Authority record
      searchTerm: http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb119549219
      typeOfResource: orig
    - code: KAPE
        - lang: eng
          text: Manuscript material
      searchTerm: 118714090
      typeOfResource: bibl
    - code: LINK
        - lang: eng
          text: Image
      rights: 'Raphael / arte.it -- Public domain -- http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Pope Julius II.jpg'
      searchTerm: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:FilePath/File:Pope Julius II.jpg
      typeOfResource: dpct
    - note:
        - lang: eng
          text: Display the original Edit16 name's record
      url: http://edit16.iccu.sbn.it/scripts/iccu_ext.dll?fn=11&i=3147
    - auth: GScrO
      country: DE
      date: 20131128
      id: 036-02815-003
    - auth: ES-BaCBU
      country: ES
      date: 20110818
      id: .a10473749
    - auth: ES-BaCBU
      country: ES
      date: 20131016
      id: .a10473749
    - auth: ES-BaCBU
      country: ES
      date: 20131016
      id: .a10539955
    - auth: ES-BaCBU
      country: ES
      date: 20140723
      id: .a10539955
    - auth: ES-BaCBU
      country: ES
      date: 20141001
      id: .a10473749
    - auth: ES-BaCBU
      country: ES
      date: 20160509
      id: .a10473749
    - auth: BNF
      catRules: AFNOR Z 44-061
      country: FR
      date: 20021015
      id: FRBNF119549213
    - auth: nukat
      country: PL
      id: n 99008158
    - auth: plolw
      country: PL
      date: 20130314
      id: vtls001015478
    - auth: ICCU
      catRules: RICA
      country: IT
      date: 20060107
      id: CNCA003147
    - auth: ICCU
      catRules: RICA
      country: IT
      date: 20060107
      id: CNCA14541
    - auth: GND
      catRules: rda
      country: DE
      date: 20210303
      id: 118714090
    - auth: ES-BaCBU
      country: ES
      date: 20210525
      id: .a10473749
    - auth: GND
      catRules: rda
      country: DE
      date: 20221201
      id: 118714090
    - BSBAK
    - IBI
    - ADCAM
    - NUC
    - DEI
    - EI
    - IBN
    - BLC
    - DBI
    - EP
    - GDEL
    - 'Dictionnaire historique de la papauté / Philippe Levillain, 1994'
    - 'GEC (en línia), 16 oct. 2007 (Juli II; n. Albissola, 1443; m. Roma, 1513; nom que adoptà Giuliano della Rovere en esdevenir papa, 1503-13)'
    - 'Leksykon papieży / Rudolf Fischer-Wollpert. - Kraków, 1990'
    - 'Papieże / Christopher Hibbert. - Warszawa, 1999'
    - 'OPALE(P). - 1998'
    - 'Kp. Maximi Tyrii Philosophi Platonici Sermones siue Disputationes XLI [...]. - [Genevae], 1557 (Adr. ded)'
    - 'Kp. M. Vitrvvivs Per Iocvndvm Solito Castigatior Factvs Cvm Figvris Et Tabvla Vt Iam Legi Et Intelligi Possit. - (Impressum Venetiis, 22 V 1511) (Adr. ded)'
    - 'Wikipedia: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Julius_II.'
  gender: b
    - lang: ger
      text: Papst vom 1. November 1503-21. Februar 1513.
    - lang: fre
      text: 'Pape de 1503 à 1513. Note de regroupement par domaine: Religion (200).'
    - lang: ger
      text: Papst seit 1503
    - lang: ita
      text: 'Giuliano della Rovere, nato ad Albissola (Savona) nel 1443 e morto a Roma nel 1513. Fu francescano, nel 1471 ebbe dallo zio Francesco, papa Sisto IV, la porpora cardinalizia. Fu eletto papa nel 1503.'
    - intro: nati
      lang: eng
      text: Italian
    - end: 1503
      intro: dioc
      lang: ger
      start: 1484
      text: Ostia
    - intro: ctry
      lang: ger
      text: Italien
    - authority: iso3166
      intro: geon
      lang: und
      text: IT
    - authority: iso3166
      intro: geon
      lang: und
      text: VA
    - end: 1484
      intro: dioc
      lang: ger
      start: ''
      text: Trier
    - part:
        - entry: Iulius
        - addition: papa
        - addition: 2
        - ICCU
    - part:
        - entry: Jules
        - addition: II
        - addition: pape
        - BNF
    - part:
        - entry: Juli
        - addition: papa
        - addition: 1443-1513
        - CANTIC
    - part:
        - entry: Julius
        - addition: II.
        - addition: Giuliano della Rovere
        - GScrO
    - part:
        - entry: Julius
        - addition: II.
        - addition: Papst
        - GyFmDB
    - part:
        - entry: Juliusz
        - addition: II
        - addition: papież
        - nukat
    - title: 'Breve ad Reges, Duces et Principes Christianos: in quo Continentur ... - 1511'
    - title: 'Breve de Causis Romanorum in Captiolio cognoscendis. - s.a.'
    - title: 'Bulla Annatarum prima. - 1505'
    - title: 'Bulla Censurarum in singulos de Consilio et interdicti generalis ... - 1510'
    - title: 'Bulla Damnatio conciliabuli Pisani. - 1512'
    - title: 'Bulla contra aspirantes ad Papatum simoniace. - 1505'
    - title: 'Bulla edita contra Iohannem Bentivolum in civitate Bononiensi ... - 1506'
    - id: VD16 D 822
      source: BSBVD16
      title: 'Form vnd Wesen summarie begriffen der handlũg zwischen Roemischer kayserlicher Maiestat ... 1509. '
    - title: 'Julii papae II bulla contra aspirantes ad papatum symoniace, 1515'
    - title: 'Breve ad Reges, Duces et Principes Christianos: in quo Continentur ... - 1512'
    - title: 'Bulla Annatarum prima et secunda. - 1505'
    - title: 'Collectio Brevium et Bullarum Papae Iulii II.. - 1512'
    - note:
        - lang: ger
          text: 4ELRAKm
        - entry: Della Rovere
        - firstname: Giuliano
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Della Rovere
        - firstname: Giuliano
        - addition: 1443-1513
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Della Rovere
        - firstname: Giuliano
        - addition: Pape
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Della Rovere
        - firstname: Giuliano
        - addition: Papst
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Della Rovere
        - firstname: Giuliano
        - addition: Pope
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: ger
          text: RAK alt
        - entry: DellaRovere
        - firstname: Giuliano
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: ita
          text: EDIT16-ID:CNCA14541
        - entry: Della_Rovere
        - firstname: Giuliano
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Giuliano
        - addition: della Rovere
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Giulio
        - addition: II
        - addition: papa
        - addition: 1443-1513
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: fre
          text: Nom en religion
        - entry: Giulio
        - addition: II
        - addition: pape
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: ita
          text: Nome su edizioni
        - entry: Giulio II
        - EP
        - EI
        - DEI
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Giulio II papa/Giuliano della Rovere
        - DBI
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Giulio II/Giulio della Rovere
        - IBI
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: ita
          text: Nome su edizioni
        - entry: Iulio papa secundo
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: ita
          text: Nome su edizioni
        - entry: Iulius
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Iulius
        - addition: II
        - addition: pontifex maximus
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Iulius
        - addition: II.
        - addition: Papa
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: ita
          text: Nome su edizioni
        - entry: Iulius II
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: ita
          text: Nome su edizioni
        - entry: Iulius Secundus
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: ita
          text: Nome su edizioni
        - entry: Iulius papa II
        - BSBAK
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: ita
          text: Nome su edizioni
        - entry: Iulius secundus
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: fre
          text: Nom en religion
        - entry: Jules
        - addition: 2
        - addition: pape
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Jules
        - addition: II
        - addition: Pape
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Jules
        - addition: II
        - addition: Papst
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Jules
        - addition: II
        - addition: Pope
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: fre
          text: Nom en religion
        - entry: Jules
        - addition: II
        - addition: pape
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Jules
        - addition: II
        - addition: pape
        - addition: 1443-1513
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Jules
        - addition: II.
        - addition: Pape
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Julianus
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Julien
        - addition: della Rovere
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Julio
        - addition: II
        - addition: Pape
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Julio
        - addition: II
        - addition: Papst
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Julio
        - addition: II
        - addition: Pope
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Julio
        - addition: II
        - addition: papa
        - addition: 1443-1513
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Julio
        - addition: II.
        - addition: Papa
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Julio
        - addition: Papst
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: fre
          text: Nom en religion
        - entry: Julius
        - addition: 2
        - addition: pape
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: eng
          text: '[*French*]'
        - entry: Julius
        - addition: II
        - addition: Pape
        - CH-GND
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Julius
        - addition: II
        - addition: Papst
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: eng
          text: '[*English*]'
        - entry: Julius
        - addition: II
        - addition: Pope
        - CH-GND
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Julius
        - addition: II
        - addition: papa
        - addition: 1443-1513
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Julius
        - addition: II
        - addition: papa
        - addition: 1443-1513.
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: eng
          text: Latin
        - lang: eng
          text: name in religionm
        - lang: fre
          text: Nom en religion
        - entry: Julius
        - addition: II
        - addition: pape
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Julius
        - addition: II.
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Julius
        - addition: II.
        - addition: Pontifex Maximus
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Julius
        - addition: II.
        - addition: Pontifex Romanus
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: ita
          text: Nome su edizioni
        - entry: Julius II
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Julius II papa/Della Rovere
        - firstname: Giuliano
        - IBN
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Julius II pope
        - NUC
        - ADCAM
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Julius II pope/Giuliano della Rovere
        - BLC
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Rovere
        - firstname: Giuliano
        - nonsort: della
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Rovere
        - firstname: Giuliano della
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Rovere
        - firstname: Julian
        - nonsort: della
      typeOfName: varn
    - note:
        - lang: ita
          text: Nome su edizioni
        - entry: papa Iulio
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Iulius
        - addition: II.
        - addition: P.M.
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Iulius
        - addition: II.
        - addition: Pontifex Maximus
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Julius
        - addition: II.
        - addition: P.M.
      typeOfName: varn
    - part:
        - entry: Julius
        - addition: II.
        - addition: Papa
      typeOfName: varn
    - id: cnl00020068
        - lang: fre
          text: Lieu de naissance
        - name: Albisola (Italie)
      start: 1443
      typeOfPlace: brth
    - id: cnl00016199
        - lang: fre
          text: Lieu de mort
        - name: Rome
      start: 1513
      typeOfPlace: deat
    - note:
        - lang: ger
          text: Geburtsort
        - name: Albisola Superior
      tmp: (GND)4428342-8
      typeOfPlace: brth
    - id: cnl00029123
        - lang: ger
          text: Sterbeort
        - name: Rom
      tmp: (GND)4050471-2
      typeOfPlace: deat
    - end: 1484
      id: cnl00028368
        - name: Münstermaifeld
      start: ''
      typeOfPlace: actv
    - id: cnl00042348
        - lang: ger
          text: Geburtsort
        - name: Albisola Superior
      tmp: (GND)4428342-8
      typeOfPlace: brth
    - id: cnl00029123
        - lang: ger
          text: Sterbeort
        - name: Rom
      tmp: (GND)4050471-2
      typeOfPlace: deat
    - cnp00398698
    - cnp01236078
    - cnp01319258
    - cnp01445860
    - cnp01467425
    - part:
        - entry: Església Catòlica.
        - firstname: 'Papa (1503-1513 : Juli II)'
      typeOfEntity: cnc
      typeOfRelationship: ex:hasRelatedEntity
    - end: 1484
      id: cnc00021054
        - lang: ger
          text: Propst
        - entry: Kollegiatstift St. Martin und St. Severus zu Münstermaifeld
      start: ''
      typeOfEntity: cnc
      typeOfRelationship: ex:hasRelatedEntity
  typeOfEntry: 0
    - timestamp: 2014-09-24T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2016-10-29T10:10:16Z
    - timestamp: 2016-11-09T11:20:43Z
    - timestamp: 2016-11-21T10:29:10Z
    - timestamp: 2016-11-29T10:19:19Z
    - timestamp: 2017-02-21T16:57:39Z
    - timestamp: 2018-02-22T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2018-03-05T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2018-12-12T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2019-05-03T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2019-09-25T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2020-03-09T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2020-05-27T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2020-09-14T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2021-03-15T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2021-07-26T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2022-09-06T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2023-02-09T12:00:00Z
    - timestamp: 2024-02-08T12:00:00Z
    - id: cnp01315840
      similarity: 1
    - archaeo18
    - BAV|ADV10094896
    - BNE|XX1183372
    - LC|n 80030746
    - NKC|jn20000700841
    - NLIlat|000072545
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    - SELIBR|329911
    - SUDOC|027528081
  status: n