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thesaurus/cnp01876001 Ponet, John

Ponet, John

Datensatz IDcnp01876001
Art der Eintragung (Ansetzungsform)fiktiver Name
Lebensdaten1514 - 1556
Letzte Änderung2024-10-16


Theologe, Bischof
b. Kent c1514, Queens' Coll., Camb., knew Greek, fellow 1532, bursar 1537-39, dean 1540-42, MA 1535, DTh 1547, chpl to Cranmer, friend of Ascham, r. of S.Michael's, London 1543, of Lavant, Sussex 1545, canon of Canterbury 1545-6, made dial for Henry VIII bp of Rochester 1550, bp of Winchester March 1550-51, fled to continent under Mary, went to Peter Martyr at Strassburg, died there 1556. Wrote several books, a Catechism and De ecclesia ad regem Edwardum pub. at Zurich 1553, Dialecticon, Strassburg 1557.
Engl. protestant. Theologe; Bischof von Winchester und Rochester.

Weiterführende Informationen

Weitere Lebensdatenca 1514-1556
AktivitätBischof (gnd)
Theologe (gnd)
Teolog protestancki, biskub Rochester i Winchester.

Beziehungen zu anderen Entitäten

Siehe auchRatramnus
Bekanntschaft. -- VD-16 Mitverf.
Trithemius, Johannes, 1462-1516
Bekanntschaft. -- VD-16 Mitverf.


AnsetzungsformPonet, John
verwendet in: Bibliography of books published in German-speaking countries in 16th century (VD 16), Munich (Germany); Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany; Common Library Network (GBV), Göttingen (Germany); Early Book Owners in Britain; NUKAT union catalogue of Polish academic and research libraries
Ponet, John
verwendet in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Variante NamensformD. I. P. B. R. VV.
D. I. P. B. R. W.
D. J. W.
Poinet, John
Ponet, Johannes
Ponet, John Bishop of Rochester
Ponet, John Bishop of Winchester
Ponetus, Joannes
Ponnet, John
Poynet, Johannes
Poynet, John
Poynette, John
W., D. J.


Nachgewiesen inVD-16. — DNB 46, 78. — en.wikipedia 30.06.2011. — GBV online. — DNB online. — LCA online (Ponet, John, 1516?-1556). — LCAuth. — British Biographical Archive I 886,15-45
WerkeKp. Diallacticon De Veritate Natvra Atqve Svbstantia Corporis & Sanguinis Christi in Eucharistia. - [S.l.], 1576 (Aut)
Ponet, John: A defence for mariage of priestes by Scripture and aunciente writers. - 1549
Ponet, John: Diallecticon viri boni. - 1688
Ponet, John: An Apologie fully answeringe by Scriptures and aunceant Doctors, a blasphemose Book gathered by ... 1556.
Ponet, John: AN APOLOGIE FVLLY AVNSVVERINGE BY SCRIptures and aunceãt Doctors a blasphemose book gathered ... 1555.
Ponet, John: A SHORTE TREAtise of politike pouuer, and of the true Obedience which subiectes owe to kynges ... 1556.
Ponet, John: A warnyng for Englande, conteynyng the horrible practises of the kyng of Spayne, in the kyngdome of ... 1555.
Ponet, John: Diallacticon de veritate, natura atque substantia corporis et sanguine Christi in eucharastia. 1557.
Ponet, John: Diallacticon de veritate, natura atque substantia corporis et sanguine Christi in eucharastia. 1576.



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