Lloyd, Humphrey
Identifiant de la noticecnp01875517
Données biographiques1527 - 1568
Dernière modification2024-02-08
Note générale
Welsh antiquary and friend of John, Lord Lumley.
Welsh cartographer, author, antiquary and Member of Parliament. He was a leading member of the Renaissance period in Wales. His library, together with those of his patron, the Earl of Arundel and his brother-in-law, Lord Lumley, formed the basis of the Royal Library. His motto was Hwy pery klod na golyd ("Fame lasts longer than wealth")
Brasenose BA 1547, MA 1551, MD?, d.1570, British antiquary, John Lumley's brother-in-law, librarian to Henry, Earl of Arundel
Historiker; Humphrey Llwyd was born around the year 1527, at Denbigh, in North Wales)
Plus d'information
Autres données biographiquesc.1527-1568
d. 1607
ActivitéPersonen der Geschichtswissenschaft (Historiker, Archäologen) (16.1p) (sswd)
Historiker (gnd)
aus Denbigh (Wales), Arzt, Parlamentarier
Historyk i lekarz brytyjski.
Abgeordneter (gnd)
Arzt (gnd)
Note géographiqueGB (iso3166)
RubriqueLloyd, Humphrey
utilisé dans: The University of Aberdeen Library
Llwyd, Humphrey
utilisé dans: The University of Aberdeen Library
Llwyd, Humphrey
utilisé dans: Bibliographie des livres publiés dans les pays germanophones au XVIe siècle; Integrated Authority File (GND), Allemagne; British Library: English Short Title Catalogue - AACR2 Heading, London (United Kingdom); British Library: English Short Title Catalogue - GK Heading, London (United Kingdom); Réseau commun des bibliothèques (GBV), Göttingen (Allemagne); NUKAT, catalogue collectif des bibliothèques universitaires et de recherche polonaises
Lloyd, Humphrey
utilisé dans: Early Book Owners in Britain
Lloyd, Humphrey
utilisé dans: British Library: English Short Title Catalogue - AACR2 Heading, London (United Kingdom)
VarianteLloyd, Humfrey
Do Lhuyd, Humere
DoLhuyd, Humere
RAK alt
Fluddes, Humphrey
Fluddus, Humphredus
Fludus, Humphrey
Lhoyd, Humphrey
Lhoydus, Humphredus
Lhuyd, Humere
Lhuyd, Humfredus
Lhuyd, Humfredus, Denbighiensis
Lhuyd, Humphredus
Lhuyd, Humphrey
Lhvyd, Humfredi
Lhvyd, Humfredus
Lhwyd, Humfrey
Lloyd, Humfre
Lloyd, Humfredus
Lloyd, Humphrey
Lloyd, Humphry
Lluyd, Humfred
Llwyd, Humfredus
Fluddus, Humphredus
Lhoydus, Humphredus
Lhuyd, Humfredus, Denbighiensis
Lluyd, Humfred
Trouvé dansDNB. — BLC. — BSB-Altkarten. — GK55. — NUC. — DWB=Llwyd (Lhuyd), Humphrey, 1527-1568.8.31; physician and antiquary. — Kp. Theatrvm Orbis Terrarvm / [Abrahamus Ortelivs]. - Antverpiae, 1570 (Aut. dz. współwyd). — LCA online. — ICCU online. — GBV online. — Jöcher. - T.2. - 1750 (Lloyd, Humfredus). — Wellcome=Lloyd, Humphry, 1527-68. — DNB=Llwyd, Humphrey, 1527-1568.8.31; physician and antiquary. — Foster. — Not found in DNB nor Halkett nor AC1 nor AO1
SourcesCaradoc : The historie of Cambria, now called Wales. - 1811
Llwyd, Humphrey: Cambriae typus. - s.a.
S101781: his Here beginnith a litel treatise conteyninge the iugeme[n]t of urynes, 1553 tp=wrytyn in the latyn tong by John Casse and englished by Humfre Lloyd
T147615: Hunfredi Llwyd, armigeri, 1731
S109954: A true report of the araignment, tryall, conuiction, and condemnation, of a popish priest, named Robert Drewrie, at the Sessions house in the old Baylie, on Friday and VVednesday, the 20. and 24. of February: the extraordinary great grace and mercie offered him, and his stubborne, traytorous, and wilfull refusall. Also the tryall and death of Humphrey Lloyd, for maliciouslie murdering one of the Guard. And lastly the execution of the said Robert Drewry, drawne in his priestly habit, and as he was a Benedictine fryer, on Thursdaie following to Tiborne, where he was hanged and quartered, 1607
Caradoc : The historie of Cambria, now called Wales. - 1584
Llwyd, Humphrey: De Mona Druidum insula. - 1568
Llwyd, Humphrey: De Mona, Druidum insula. - 1575