Fernel, Jean
Record IDcnp01875467
Biographical Data1497 - 1558
Last Edit2024-02-08
General Note
Born Montdidier 1497. One of the most celebrated surgeons of the 16th cent. Studied philosophy, maths and astrology. Professor of philosophy and of medicine at Sainte-Barbe. Physician to Henry II. Made a distinction between pan-, epi- and endemic diseases. Mentioned in a dedication by Ioannes Crato, 1581. Died Paris 1558.
Arzt, Mathematiker
Professeur de philosophie à Sainte-Barbe puis de médecine. Médecin du roi Henri II.
humanistisch geschoolde medicus; werkzaam als: hoogleraar geneeskunde universiteit Parijs (beroemdste werk: "Universa medicina" (1567)); inspirator van Nederlandse medicus: Pieter van Foreest (1521-1597)
Professeur de philosophie à Sainte-Barbe puis de médecine. - Médecin du roi Henri II. - Ioannes Fernelius Ambianus - Jean Fernel d'Amiens
More Information
Further Biographical Data1497-1558
1497-1558. abw. Geburtsjahr 1499
Montdidier, 1497-Paris, 26.04.1558
Intellectual ResponsibilityAuteur
Primary Language(s)Latin
ActivityPersonen zu Astronomie, Weltraumforschung (20p) (sswd)
Personen zu Medizin, Tiermedizin (27.20p) (sswd)
Personen zu Mathematik (28p) (sswd)
Arzt (gnd)
Franz. Arzt, Astronom, Mathematiker
Francuski lekarz, fizjolog, filozof, matematyk.
Geographic NoteFR (iso3166)
Place of Activity
Place of DeathParis (1558)
Lieu de mort
Related Entries
See alsoArnaldus, aus Villanova
Bekanntschaft. -- VD-16 Mitverf.
Bauhin, Gaspard
Bekanntschaft. -- VD-16 Mitverf.
Camerarius, Joachim, der Ältere
Bekanntschaft. -- VD-16 Mitverf.
Crato von Krafftheim, Johannes
Bekanntschaft. -- VD-16 Mitverf.
Katsch, Johannes
Bekanntschaft. -- VD-16 Mitverf.
Bekanntschaft. -- VD-16 Mitverf. Diocles
Bekanntschaft. -- VD-16 Mitverf.
HeadingFernel, Jean
used in: The University of Aberdeen Library
Fernel, Jean
used in: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris; Central Institute for the Union Catalogue of Italian Libraries and for Bibliographic Information, Rome (Italy); Bibliography of books published in German-speaking countries in 16th century (VD 16), Munich (Germany); Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany; Common Library Network (GBV), Göttingen (Germany); Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands, Den Haag (Netherlands); NUKAT union catalogue of Polish academic and research libraries
Fernel, Jean
used in: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris
Fernel, Jean
used in: Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands, Den Haag (Netherlands)
Variant NameFernelius, Joannes
Fernel, Jean [Sources: BNPC; NBG; NUC; DBF]
Fernel, Jean F. [Sources: HI]
Fernel, Jean François
Fernel, Jean François
EDIT16-ID:CNCA19366 [Sources: DISCB; IBN]
Fernel, Joannes
Fernel, Joh. [Sources: JO]
Fernel, John
Fernelius, Io. Ambianus
Fernelius, Ioan
Fernelius, Ioann
Fernelius, Ioannes
Fernelius, Ioannes Ambianus
Fernelius, Ioannis
Fernelius, Iohannes [Sources: BMSTC; ADCAM]
Fernelius, Jo.
Fernelius, Jo. Ambianus
Fernelius, Johan
Fernelius, Johannes
Fernelius, Johannes
Fernelius Ambianus, Jo.
Fernelius Ambianus, Joannes
Fernellius, Johannes
Fernilius, Joannes
Io. Fernelius Ambianus
Nome su edizioni
Io. Fernellius
Nome su edizioni
Io. Fernellius Ambianus
Nome su edizioni
Ioan. Fernelius Ambianus
Nome su edizioni
Ioannes Farnelius Ambianatis
Nome su edizioni
Ioannes Fernelius Ambianus
Nome su edizioni
Fernel, Jean François
Fernelius, Johannes
Farnelius, Joannes
Fernelius Ambianatis, Joannes
Fernelius Ambianus, Ioannes
Found inProv. Reg. Notes (See Laronesse, s.v., and "Early books on medicine", Lugano (L'Art ancien S.A.), n.d.). — LOC. — Wightman 65,143, 258.. — NUC. — NBG. — BNPC. — IBN. — DISCB. — HI. — JO. — ADCAM. — BMSTC. — LoC-NA. — Larousse. — The "Physiologia" of Jean Fernel (1567). - Philadelphia, 2003. — Ioannis Fernelii Ambianatis De naturali parte medicinae : libri septem [...]. - Lugduni, 1551. — BNF-NA. — GBV online. — Io. Fernelii Ambiani Vniversa medicina [...]. - Francofvrti, 1607. — Ioan. Fernelii Vniversa medicina [...]. - Lugduni Batavorum, 1645 (Dz. współwyd). — Ioann. Fernelii Ambiani Universa medicina [...]. - Traiecti ad Rhenvm, 1656. — Ioannis Fernelii Ambiani, Therapevtices Vniversalis, Sev Medendi Rationis, libri septem [...]. - Francofvrti, 1581. — Man on his nature / Charles Sherrington. - Harmondsworth, 1955. — pl. wikipedia, 14.08.13 (Jean François Fernel; http://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean_Fran%C3%A7ois_Fernel). — Les VII. livres de la physiologie / composez en latin par Messire Jean Fernel, 1655. — DBF. — BN Cat. gén.
Imprint SourcesConsiliorum liber. - 1585
Consiliorum medicinalium liber. - 1607
Cosmotheoria. - 1528
De abditis rerum causis. - 1548
De abditis rerum causis. - 1550
De abditis rerum causis. - 1551
De abditis rerum causis. - 1574
De abditis rerum causis. - 1593
De abditis rerum causis. - 1607
IOANNIS FERNELII AMBIANI, THE... / Jean Fernel, 15741575
Les VII. livres de la physiologie / composez en latin par Messire Jean Fernel, 1655
Medicinal-Consiliorum Centuria. - 1593
De beschrijvinge der deelen des lichaems van den m... / By Johannes Fernelius. ; Translated from the L..., 1596
Pathologiæ liber quartus de febribus.... / By Joannes Fernelius. ; Annotated by R. Loeniu..., 1664