@prefix gn: . @prefix edm: . @prefix wgs84_pos: . @prefix rdaGr2: . @prefix rel: . @prefix rdaRelGr2: . @prefix skos: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdaGr3: . @prefix owl: . @prefix gnd: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix ct: . rdaGr2:fieldOfActivityOfThePerson "Latin"@en, "Auteur"@fr, "Evangel. Theologe"@de, "Geb. in Chirico/Italien, lebte seit 1546 bis zu seinem Tode in Basel, erhielt das Baseler Bürgerrecht und war dort Prof. der Rhetorik, protest. Humanist, Theologe und Philologe. Lt. VD 16 ist Curio nur ermittelter Verf. der anonymen Schrift ʺDer verzucket Pasquinusʺ, Pasquinus ist daher kein Pseud. von Curio"@de, "Teolog, prawnik, humanista, literat; profesor literatury w Pawii i Bazylei, pseud. Basilius Montfortius; ur. w Cirioa (Piemont)."@pl, "Personen zu Kirchengeschichte, Systematischer und Praktischer Theologie, Kirche und Konfession (3.6p)"@de, "Evangelischer Theologe"@de, "Humanist"@de; ct:geographicNote "Italian"@en, "Italien"@de, "Schweiz"@de; rdaGr2:dateOfDeath "1569"^^xsd:gYear, "1569"^^xsd:gYear, "1569"^^xsd:gYear; rdaGr2:biographicalInformation "1503-1569", "01.05.1503-24.11.1569"@de, "01.05.1503-24.11.1569"@fr; rdaGr2:nameOfThePerson "Curio, Caelius Secundus", "Curio, Coelius Secundus", "Curione, Celio Secondo", "Curione, Celio Secondo", "Curione, Celio Secondo"; gnd:publicationOfThePerson "Aranei Encomion. - 1540", "Bulla der aussatzunge vnd verku..., 1512", "Christianae Religionis Institutio. - 1549", "Curio, Caelius Secundus: Pasquillorum Tomi duo. Quorum primo uersibus ac rhythmis, altero soluta oratione ... 1544.", "De amplitudine beati regni Dei ... dialogi ... duo. - 1554", "De bello Melitensi Historia nova. - 1567", "De Grammatica. - 1555", "De literis doctrinaque puerli. - 1546", "Der verzucket Pasquinus. - 1543", "Logices Elementorum. - 1567", "loquendi atq", "Martini Crusii GRAMMATI-CAE GR... / Martin Crusius, 1599", "Meister Pastquins des alten Römers Entzückung. - 1644", "Nizzoli, Mario: NIZOLIVS, SIVE Thesaurus Ciceronianus, omnia Ciceronis uerba, omnemq́", "Pro vera et antiqua Ecclesiae Christi autoritate ... Oratio. - s.a.", "S109156: Pasquine in a traunce, a Christian and learned dialogue, (containing wonderfulll [sic] and most strange newes, out of heauen, purgatorie and hell). Wherein besydes Christes truth plainely set foorth, ye shall also finde a number of pleasant hystories, discouering all the craftie conueyances of Antichri. VVhereunto are added certaine questions then put forth by Pasquine, to haue bene disputed in the Councell of Trent. Turned but lately out of the Italian into this tongue, by W.P. Seene and allowed according to the order appointed in the Queenes Maiesties injuctions, 1584, [a transaltion of : Curie, Celio Secondon. Pasquilllus ecstaticus]", "David Ioris wt Hollandt des ertzketters waerafftig... / [By Caelius Secundus Curio]..., 1559", "Der entzückte Pasquinus. Oder Neues Gespräch P... / [By Caelius Secundus Curio]..., 1667", "... 1572. ", "Aristoteles: Opera omnia. 1563. ", "Cicero, Marcus Tullius: Topica ad Caium Trebatium. 1555. ", "Morati, Olimpia Fulvia: Decamerone, Ausz. 1562. ", "Morati, Olimpia Fulvia: OLYMPIAE FVLVIAE MORATAE MVLIERIS OMNIVM ERVDITISSIMAE LATINA ET Graeca, quae haberi ... 1558. ", "Pasquillorum Tomi duo. Quorum primo uersibus ac rhythmis, altero soluta oratione ... 1544. ", "Périon, Joachim: Epitome DialeCTICAE IOACHIMI PErionij,à Caelio Secundo Curione artificiose collecta,at\\[que] in ... 1551. ", "Vergerio, Pietro Paolo: HISTORIA FRANCISCI SPIERAE, QVI QVOD SVSCEPTAM SEMEL EVANGELICAE veritatis professionem ... 1558. "; foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf ; rel:collaboratesWith "Acciaiuoli, Donato", , , , , "Croce, Giacomo ¬dalla¬ ", , , "Telius, Sylvester", ; rdf:type ; skos:note "Note de regroupement par domaine: Philosophie (100)"@fr, "Ital. Humanist; Lehrer in Lausanne; ab 1546 in Basel; erhielt das Baseler Bürgerrecht und war dort Prof. der Rhetorik, protest. Theologe und Philologe; Verf. der anonymen Satire \"Pasquillus ecstaticus\" (Pasquino in estasi, Der verzucket Pasquinus)"@de, "Ital. Humanist; Lehrer in Lausanne; ab 1546 in Basel; erhielt das Basler Bürgerrecht und war dort Prof. der Rhetorik, protest. Theologe und Philologe; Verf. der anonymen Satire \"Pasquillus ecstaticus\" (Pasquino in estasi, Der verzucket Pasquinus)"@de, "Nasce a Cirioà (To) nel 1503. Seguì corsi di humanae litterae e di diritto a Torino. Vicino alle idee della Riforma dopo vari spostamenti in Italia nel 1542 fu costretto alla fuga. Si rifugiò prima a Losanna e poi a Basilea dove morì nel 1569."@it, "humanist"@nl, "A aussi traduit de l'italien en latin"@fr, "Professeur de rhétorique à l'Université de Bâle"@fr; gn:countryCode "CH", "IT"; rdaGr2:dateOfBirth "1503"^^xsd:gYear, "1503"^^xsd:gYear, "1503"^^xsd:gYear; rdaGr2:variantNameForThePerson "C.S.C.", "Caelius, Secundus Curio", "Caelius, Secundus", "Celio, da Torino", "Celio da Torino", "Coelius, Secundus Curio", "Coelius Secundus Curio", "Curio, C. S.", "Curio, Caecilius S.", "Curio, Caelius S.", "Curio, Caelius Secundus", "Curio, Caelius Secundus", "Curio, Celio", "Curio, Celio Secondo", "Curio, Celius Secundus", "Curio, Coelius S.", "Curio, Coelius S.", "Curio, Coelius Secundus", "Curio, Secundus", "Curio Celius Secundus", "Curio Secundus", "Curione, Caelio Secundo", "Curione, Caelius S.", "Curione, Caelius Secundus", "Curione, Celio S.", "Curione, Celio Secondo", "Curione, Celio Secundo", "Curione, Coelius Secundus", "Curione, Cælio Secondo", "Curioni, Celio S.", "Curioni, Celio Secondo", "Curionus, Coel. Saec.", "Montfortius, Basilius", "Pasquille", "Pasquillus", "Pasquino", "Passquinus", "Curio, Caelius Secundus", "Caelius C.S", "Cyriacus, Prosperus", "Cvrio, Coelivs Secvndvs", "Cvrione, Coelio Secvndo"; owl:sameAs , , , , , , , , , , , gnd:10407440X, , , , , ; ct:ficticiousNameForThePerson "Pasquinus"; rdaGr2:gender .