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thesaurus/cnp01476230 Maskelyne, Nevil

Maskelyne, Nevil

Record IDcnp01476230
Dati biografici1732 - 1811
Luogo di nascitaLondres
Luogo di morteGreenwich, GB
Ultima modifica2024-02-08

Nota generale

TA record has same number. Uses epithets Rev.; D.D., F.R.S. - 6 Oct. 1732-9 Feb. 1811.
Astronome royal d'Angleterre. Membre associé de l'Académie des sciences de Paris. Écrit aussi en latin.
Brit. Astronom.
Brit. Hofastronom; folgte 1765 dem verstorbenen Nathaniel Bliss als fünfter "Astronomer Royal" und war dadurch mit der Erstellung des 1763 von ihm selbst vorgeschlagenen Nautical Almanac betraut
A aussi écrit en latin

Maggiori informazioni

Ulteriori dati biografici1732-1811
Responsabilità intellettualeAuteur
Lingua madreEnglish
AttivitàPersonen zu Astronomie, Weltraumforschung (20p) (sswd)
Astronom (gnd)
Mathematiker (gnd)
Nota geograficaGB (iso3166)

Luogo di attività

Luogo di nascitaLondon
Londres (1732)
Lieu de naissance
Luogo di morteGreenwich
Greenwich, GB (1811)
Lieu de mort

Accessi collegati

Vedi ancheBradley, James, 1693-1762
Beziehung beruflich
Story Maskelyne, Nevil, 1823-1911
Beziehung familiaer. -- Enkel
Royal Society, London


IntestazioneMaskelyne, Nevil
Usata in: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris; HANS, SUB Göttingen (Germany); Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany; British Library: English Short Title Catalogue - AACR2 Heading, London (United Kingdom); Common Library Network (GBV), Göttingen (Germany)
Maskelyne, Nevil
Usata in: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris
Maskelyne, Nevil, Astronomer Royal
Usata in: British Library: English Short Title Catalogue - GK Heading, London (United Kingdom)
VarianteAstronomer Royal

Fonti esterne

Trovato inGK55. — DNB. — MP2. — M. — Wikipedia: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nevil_Maskelyne. — Tabulae motuum solis et lunae novae et correctae / Tobias Mayer ; [préf. Nevil Maskelyne], 1770. — Encycl. britannica. — GDEL. — BN Cat. gén.
Fonti a stampaHorsley, Samuel: An authentic Narrative of the Dissensions and Debates in the Royal Soc*. - 1784
Maskelyne, Nevil: An Answer to a Pamphlet entitled ʺA Narrative of Factsʺ, by Mr. Thoma*. - 1792
Maskelyne, Nevil: An account of the Going of Mr. John Harrison's Watch at the Royal Obs*. - 1767
Maskelyne, Nevil: Astronomical Observations made at the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, f*. - 1774- 1776
Maskelyne, Nevil: Tables for Computing the apparent Places of the fitx Stars. - 1774
Maskelyne, Nevil: Tables for computing the apparent places of the fixt stars, and reducin*. - 1774
Tables requisite to be used with the Nautical Ephemeris for finding the latitude and long*. - 1781
Tabulae motuum solis et lunae novae et correctae / Tobias Mayer ; [préf. Nevil Maskelyne], 1770
Taylor, Michael: Tables of Logarithms p .. - 1792
Nautical Almanac. - 1767-
depiction of ...
Portrait of Nevil Maskelyne (1732-1811), the British astronomy

[Edward Scriven / Between pages 20 and 21 of The Gallery of Portraits with Memoirs, volume VI -- Public domain -- http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Maskelyne Nevil.jpg]

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Verbundkatalog Kalliope
Manuscript material


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SUDOC (France)
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