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thesaurus/cnp01471370 Bertrand, Fanny

Bertrand, Fanny

Record IDcnp01471370
Biographical Data1785 - 1836
Last Edit2024-03-26

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Further Biographical Data1785-1836
ActivityŻona napoleońskiego generała Henri Gatien Bertranda, autorka zbioru listów. Przed zamążpójściem Elisabeth François Dillon.
Personen der Geschichte (Politiker und historische Persönlichkeiten) (16.5p) (sswd)
Geographic NoteFR (iso3166)


HeadingBertrand, Fanny
used in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Bertrand, Fanny
used in: NUKAT union catalogue of Polish academic and research libraries
Former NameDillon, Elisabeth Françoise
Frueherer Name
Dillon, Frances
Frueherer Name
Variant NameDillon, Elisabeth Françoise
Dillon, Frances
Generalin Bertrand


Found inBriefe der Generalin Bertrand von der Insel St. Helena / aus dem Französisch übers. von August von Kotzebue. - Königsberg, 1816. — LCA online. — PND. — LCAuth
Imprint SourcesMacé, Jacques: Fanny Bertrand l'exilée de Sainte-Hélène.... - 2023
depiction of ...
Painting commissioned by Colonel de Chambure and exposed in 1829. Stendhal wrote a positive review of the painting.

[Charles de Steuben / Own work -- Public domain -- http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Napoleon death-Charles von Steuben-IMG 1512.JPG]

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