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thesaurus/cnp01470016 Linsén, Johan Gabriel

Linsén, Johan Gabriel

Record IDcnp01470016
Dati biografici1785 - 1848
Ultima modifica2024-02-08

Nota generale

Finn. Altphilologe, Prof. für Rhetorik u. Dichtkunst in Helsingfors; Professor, Poet, Autor

Maggiori informazioni

Ulteriori dati biografici1785-1848
AttivitàFinn. Altphilologe, Prof. für Rhetorik u. Dichtkunst in Helsingfors
Fiński pisarz i poeta, filolog klasyczny.
Autor (gnd)
Hochschullehrer (gnd)
Klassischer Philologe (gnd)
Schriftsteller (gnd)
Nota geograficaFI (iso3166)

Luogo di attività

Luogo di attivitàHelsinki

Accessi collegati

FiglioLinsén, Selim Gabriel, 1838-XXXX
Beziehung familiaer. -- Sohn


IntestazioneLinsén, Johan Gabriel
Usata in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Linsén, Johan Gabriel
Usata in: Common Library Network (GBV), Göttingen (Germany); NUKAT union catalogue of Polish academic and research libraries
VarianteLinsen, Johan G.
Linsen, Johan Gabriel
Linsén, Iohannes G.
Linsén, Iohannes Gabriel
Linsén, Joh. Gabr
Linsén, Johan G.
Linsén, Johann G.
Linsén, Johann Gabriel
Linsén, Johannes G.
Linsén, Johannes Gabriel
Linsén, Juhan Gabriel

Fonti esterne

Trovato inKp. Psyche, fabula Apuleii / quam Joh. Gabr. Linsén & Ferdinand Maximil. Walter. - Aboae, 1822. — fi.wikipedia, 4.07.2012. — GBV online. — Svenskt boklexikon * Scand. biogr. Arch.. — DE-L152, A, I.1, 631
Fonti a stampaLinsén, Johan G.: Anthologiae latinae exempla
Linsén, Johan G.: De Cicerone historico dissertatio
Linsén, Johan G.: Fama poetarum: elegiae Propertii et Ovidii suethice redditae specimen. - 1835
Linsén, Johan G.: Loci Sophoclei a Cicerone conversi commentarius
Linsén, Johan G.: Phoenix idyllum Claudiani. - 1838
Linsén, Johan G.: Psyche fabula Apuleji. - 1822
Claudianus, Claudius: Phoenix Idyllium. - 1838
Ovidius Naso, Publius: Amorum lib. I
Ovidius Naso, Publius: Ovidius Albinovano epistola ex Ponto. - 1835
Propertius, Sextus: Fama poetarum. - 1835
depiction of ...
Drawing of the Finnish writer and professor Johan Gabriel Linsén (1785-1848).
[AnonymousUnknown author / https://www.kuvakokoelmat.fi/pictures/view/19430115_72Image record page in Finna: musketti.M012%3AHK19430115%3A72 -- Public domain -- http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:JohanGabrielLinsen.jpg]

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