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thesaurus/cnp01441811 Latrobe, Christian Ignatius

Latrobe, Christian Ignatius

Record IDcnp01441811
Bibliografische gegevens1758 - 1836
Voor het laatst bewerkt2013-02-28

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Verdere bibliografische gegevens1758-1836


KopjeLatrobe, Christian Ignatius
gebruikt in: Biblioteka Narodowa, Warszawa
NaamsvariantLatrobe, C. I.


Gevonden inLetters on the Nicobar islands, their natural productions, and the manners, customs, and superstitions of the natives / with an account of an attempt made by the church of the United brethren, to convert them to Christianity by John Gottfried Haensel to C. I. Latrobe. - London, 1812.. — LCA online

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