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thesaurus/cnp01436225 Martineau, Harriet

Martineau, Harriet

Record IDcnp01436225
Dati biografici1802 - 1876
Luogo di nascitaNorwich
Luogo di morteAmbleside
Ultima modifica2024-02-08

Nota generale

Femme de lettres, philosophe et économiste. Membre de la secte unitarienne.
Engl. Schriftstellerin.

Maggiori informazioni

Ulteriori dati biograficiNorwich, 1802-Westmorland, 1876
Responsabilità intellettualeAuteur
Lingua madreEnglish
Traduttore diFrench
AttivitàPersonen zu Literaturgeschichte (Schriftsteller) (12.2p) (sswd)
Schriftstellerin (gnd)
Feministin (gnd)
Personen zu Soziologie, Gesellschaft, Arbeit, Sozialgeschichte (9.5p) (sswd)
Nota geograficaGB (iso3166)

Luogo di attività

Luogo di nascitaNorwich
Luogo di morteWestmorland
Place of death

Accessi collegati

Vedi ancheMartineau, James, 1805-1900
Beziehung familiaer. -- Bruder


IntestazioneMartineau, Harriet
Usata in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany; Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris
Martineau, Harriet
Usata in: Biblioteka Narodowa, Warszawa
VarianteMartineau, H.
Martineau, Henriette
Martineauová, Harriet

Fonti esterne

Trovato inBN Cat. gén.. — BN Cat. gén. suppl.. — GDEL. — Van Tieghem. — BL integrated catalogue - http://catalogue.bl.uk (2006-12-06). — Feats on the fiord / by Harriet Martineau. - London ; New York, 1856. — LCAuth. — M. — WBIS. — Wikipedia: Stand: 27.03.2023: https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Harriet_Martineau&oldid=228025288
Fonti a stampaSelected letters / Harriet Martineau ; ed. by Valerie Sanders, 1990
Die Ansiedler im eigenen Hause. - 1846
Erläuterungen der Staatswirthschaftslehre durch allgemein verständlic*. - 1834
Illustrations of political economy. - 1834
Introduction to the history of the Peace. - 1851
Retrospect of Western travel. - 1838
Rolf und Erika oder Aberglaube des Nordens. - 1847
Society in America. - 1837
The Hour and the man. - 1841
Traditions of Palestine. - 1830
Voyage aux Etats-Unis. - 1839
depiction of ...
[Richard Evans / one or more third parties have made copyright claims against Wikimedia Commons in relation to the work from which this is sourced or a purely mechanical reproduction thereof. This may be due to recognition of the "sweat of the brow" doctrine, allowing works to be eligible for protection through skill and labour, and not purely by originality as is the case in the United States (where this website is hosted). These claims may or may not be valid in all jurisdictions.As such, use of this image in the jurisdiction of the claimant or other countries may be regarded as copyright infringement. Please see Commons:When to use the PD-Art tag for more information. -- Public domain -- http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Harriet Martineau by Richard Evans.jpg]

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Manuscript material

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