CERL Thesaurus

thesaurus/cnp01424410 Waterhouse, Edward

Waterhouse, Edward

Datensatz IDcnp01424410
GeburtsortGreenford, Middlesex
SterbeortGreenford, Middlesex
Letzte Änderung2024-02-08


Engl. Schriftsteller über Genealogie u. Heraldik

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Weitere Lebensdaten-30.05.1670
AktivitätSchriftsteller (gnd)


GeburtsortGreenford, Middlesex
SterbeortGreenford, Middlesex


AnsetzungsformWaterhouse, Edward
verwendet in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany


Nachgewiesen inMortzfeld, Peter: Katalog der graphischen Porträts in der Herzog-August-Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel, A 23356
WerkeWaterhouse, Edward: The Gentlemens Monitor ... - 1665
depiction of ...
Portrait of Edward Waterhouse (1619-1670), the author of Fortescutus Illustratus, or a Commentary on that Nervous Treatise De Laudibus Legum Angliæ (1663). This book was a commentary on John Fortescue's work De Laudibus Legum Angliæ (Concerning the Praises of the Laws of England, first published posthumously in 1543), an influential treatise on English law.
[David Loggan / [2], frontispiece of Edward Waterhouse (1663) Fortescutus Illustratus, or a Commentary on that Nervous Treatise De Laudibus Legum Angliæ, Written by Sir John Fortescue Knight, first Lord Chief Justice, after Lord Chancellour to King Henry the Sixth. Which Treatise, Dedicated to Prince Edward that King's Son and Heir (whom he Attended in his Retirement into France, and to whom he Loyally and Affectionately Imparted himself in the Virtue and Variety of his Excellent Discourse) Hee Purposely Wrote to Consolidate his Princely Minde in the Love and Approbation of the Good Lawes of England, and of the Laudable Customs of this Native Country. The Heroique Design of whose Excellent Judgement and Loyal Addiction to his Prince, is Humbly Endeavoured to be Revived, Admired, and Advanced, London: Printed by Tho. Roycroft for Thomas Dicas [etc.] OCLC: 830342279. -- Public domain -- http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Portrait of Edward Waterhouse by David Loggan, from Fortescutus Illustratus (1663) by Edward Waterhouse.jpg]

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