AnsetzungsformDamer, Anne Seymour
verwendet in: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris; Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Damer, Anne Seymour
verwendet in: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris
Seymour, Anne
verwendet in: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris
Warwick, Anne Dudley ¬of¬
verwendet in: Common Library Network (GBV), Göttingen (Germany)
Warwick, Anne Dudley, Countess of
verwendet in: British Library: English Short Title Catalogue - AACR2 Heading, London (United Kingdom)
Conway, Anne
verwendet in: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris
Conway, Anne
verwendet in: Biblioteka Narodowa, Warszawa
Conway, Anne
verwendet in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Winchilsea, Anne Finch, comtesse de
verwendet in: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris
Finch, Anne, Countess of Winchilsea
verwendet in: British Library: English Short Title Catalogue - GK Heading, London (United Kingdom)
Winchilsea, Anne Kingsmill Finch
verwendet in: Common Library Network (GBV), Göttingen (Germany)
Winchilsea, Anne Kingsmill Finch, Countess of
verwendet in: British Library: English Short Title Catalogue - AACR2 Heading, London (United Kingdom)
Winchilsea, Anne Kingsmill Finch ¬of¬
verwendet in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Warwick, Anne Dudley ¬of¬
verwendet in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Warwick, Anne Dudley, Countess of
verwendet in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Früherer NameConway, Anne
Frueherer Name
Conway, Anne Seymour
Frueherer Name
Späterer NameFinch, Anne
Nom de femme mariée
Variante NamensformConway, Ann Seymour
Damer, Anne
Dymmer, Mrs
Seymour, Anne
Dudley, Anne
Dudley, Anne, Countess of Warwick
Dudley of Warwick, Anne
Seymour, Anna
Unton, Anne
Unton, Anne, Lady
Finch, Anne
Conway, Anne, Philosophe
Conway, Anne, Philosopher
Conway, Anne, Philosophin
Conway, Anne, Viscountess Conway, Philosophe
[*French*] [Quellen: CH-GND]
Conway, Anne, Viscountess Conway, Philosopher
[*English*] [Quellen: CH-GND]
Conway, Anne, Viscountess Conway, Philosophin
Conway, Anne Finch
Conway, Anne Finch, Philosophe
Conway, Anne Finch, Philosopher
Conway, Anne Finch, Philosophin
Conway Finch, Anne
Conway Finch, Anne, Philosophe
Conway Finch, Anne, Philosopher
Conway Finch, Anne, Philosophin
Finch, Anne, Philosophe
Finch, Anne, Philosopher
Finch, Anne, Philosophin
Finch, Anne Conway
Finch, Anne Conway, Philosophe
Finch, Anne Conway, Philosopher
Finch, Anne Conway, Philosophin
Finch Conway, Anne
Finch Conway, Anne, Philosophe
Finch Conway, Anne, Philosopher
Finch Conway, Anne, Philosophin
Kingsmill, Anne
Anne, Countess of Winchilsea
Anne, Winchilsea, Countess
Finch, Anne, Countess of Winchilsea
Finch, Anne K.
Finch, Anne Kingsmill
Finch of Winchilsea, Anne Kingsmill
Kingsmill Finch of Winchilsea, Anne
Winchelsea, Anne ¬of¬
Winchelsea, Anne F.
Winchilsea, Anne ¬of¬
Winchilsea, Anne Finch ¬of¬
Winchilsea, Anne K.
Winchilsea, Anne Kingsmill Finch
Warwick, Ann Dudley
Nom de femme mariée
Nachgewiesen inAKL. — Belmour : a modern edition / Anne Seymour Damer ; edited and with introduction by Jonathan David Gross, cop. 2011. — British library - (2011-10-18). — LC authorities : Conway, Ann Seymour - (2011-10-18). — CP v.12/2 p.398-400 u. John Dudley 2nd Earl of Warwick (suc. 1553)=m. 1550.6.3 Anne da. of Edward (Seymour) 1st Duke of Somerset; she m. 2ndly 1555.4.29 Sir Edward Unton KB; he d. 1582.9.16; she who had been "a lunatic enjoying lucid intervalls" since 1566.5.1 was bur. 1587/8.2.17. — Zasady filozofii najstarszej io najnowszej. - Kraków, 2002. — BNB. — LoC, BLC, Dict. nat. biogr.. — BLNA, 1990 : Winchilsea, Anne Finch, Countess of, 1661-1720. — Oxford DNB - (2009-09-09). — Selected poems / Anne Finch Countess of Winchilsea ; ed. by Denys Thompson, 1987. — Venus and Adonis [Musique imprimée] / John Blow ; edited under the supervision of the Purcell society by Bruce Wood, cop. 2008 [livret de Anne Kingsmill]. — CP. — GK55=Winchelsea in error. — LoC-NA. — LCAuth. — Internet. — Werk des Verfassers: Anne, Margaret, and Jane Seymour, 2000. — Annae, Margaritae, Janae, sororum virginum, heroidum Anglarum, in mortem divae Margaritae Valesiae, Navarrorum reginae, hecatodistichon, 1550. — DNB : Anne Seymour (Anne Dudley, countess of Warwick, 1538-1587). — LC Authorities : Warwick, Anne Dudley, countess of - (2021-11-03). — BN Cat. gén.. — The Conway letters : the correspondence of Anne, Viscountess Conway... / ed. by Marjorie Hope Nicolson, 1992. — DNB. — BN Cat. gén.
WerkeBelmour. - 1804
S118615: A sermon preached at Farington in Barkeshire, the seuenteene of Februarie, 1587. At the buriall of the right Honorable the Ladie Anne Countes of Warwicke, daughter to the Duke of Sommerset his grace, and widowe of the right worshipfull Sir Edward Vmpton knight, 1591 tp=By Bartholomew Chamberlaine, Doctor of Diuinitie
Conway, Anne: The principles of the most ancient and modern philosophy. - 1692