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thesaurus/cnp01408895 Smyth, George Carmichael

Smyth, George Carmichael

Identifiant de la noticecnp01408895
Données biographiques1803 - 1890
Dernière modification2023-09-22

Note générale

Major, in the service of the Bengal Light Cavalry
Capitaine de l'armée britannique au Penjab

Plus d'information

Autres données biographiques18.09.1803-29.04.1890
Responsabilité intellectuelleAuteur
Langue(s) principale(s)English
ActivitéOberstleutnant (gnd)
NationalitéUnited Kingdom


RubriqueSmyth, George Carmichael
utilisé dans: Integrated Authority File (GND), Allemagne
Smyth, G. Carmichael
utilisé dans: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris
VarianteSymth, G. Carmichael
Carmichael-Smyth, George Monro
Smyth, George Monro Carmichael


Trouvé dansA History of the reigning family of Lahore, with some account of the Jummoo rajahs, the Seik soldiers and their sirdars / edited by major G. Carmichael Smyth, 1847. — Lahore and its rulers / edited by G. Carmichael Symth [sic], 1998. — Bibliothèque nationale, catalogue, Royaume-Uni - https://explore.bl.uk (2023-05-17). — LC Authorities : Smyth, G. Carmichael (George Carmichael) - https://lccn.loc.gov/no99051351 (2023-05-17)
Sources˜Aœ History Of The Reigning Family Of Lahore, With Some Account Of The Jummoo Rajahs, The Seik Soldiers And Their Sirdars. - 1847
Memorandum, or, A few words on the Mutiny.

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