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thesaurus/cnp01405062 Della Rovere, Lavinia Feltria

Della Rovere, Lavinia Feltria

Record IDcnp01405062
Biographical Data1558 - 1632
Place of BirthPesaro (Italie)
Place of DeathMontebello (Italie)
Last Edit2024-02-08

General Note

Marquise del Vasto. - Soeur de Francesco Maria Della Rovere (1582-1631). - Amie de Torquato Tasso (1544-1595)
Note de regroupement par domaine: Histoire de l'Europe (940)

More Information

Further Biographical Data16.01.1558-07.06.1632
Place of BirthPesaro (Italie (1558)
Place of DeathMontebello (Italie (1632)

Place of Activity

Place of BirthPesaro (Italie) (1558)
Lieu de naissance
Place of DeathMontebello (Italie) (1632)
Lieu de mort


HeadingDella Rovere, Lavinia Feltria
used in: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris
Variant NameFeltria Della Rovere, Lavinia
Rovere, Lavinia Feltria Della


Found inABI. — Lavinia e il poeta / Leandro Castellani, 2009
depiction of ...
Portrait of Lavinia Feltria della Rovere (1558-1632), daughter of Guidobaldo II della Rovere
"The sitter's young age, which appears to be between thirteen and sixteen, is the age Lavinia would have been in this period. A portrait of Lavinia della Rovere executed by Barocci is mentioned by Bellori (G. P. Bellori, Le Vite de' Pittori, Scultori ed Architetti moderni, Rome, 1672, p. 192) and Baldinucci (F. Baldinucci, Notizie de' Professori del Disegno, Florence, 1681-1728, p. 349) as well as in an epigram quoted by Bernardino Baldi (B. Baldi, Gli epigrammi inediti, gli apologhi e le egloghe, ed. by D. Ciampoli, Lanciano 1914, no. 371)." Dorotheum

[Federico Barocci / https://blog.dorotheum.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/bildnis-der-lavinia-della-rovere-auktion-alte-meister.jpg -- Public domain -- http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Gemälde - Mutmaßliches Portrait der Lavinia della Rovere - Barocci.jpg]

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