Friderich, Johann
Record IDcnp01404427
Biographical Data1654 - 1726
Last Edit2024-03-26
General Note
Pasteur réformé
Dt. ev. Theologe; 1668-1674 Schüler in Schulpforta; Student in Leipzig, Jena und Wittenberg; Informator; 1686 Pastor in Benshausen; ab 1697 Superintendent in Frauenprießnitz
More Information
Further Biographical Data1654-1726
Intellectual ResponsibilityAuteur
Primary Language(s)Latin
ActivityPfarrer (gnd)
Superintendent (gnd)
Pastor und Superintendent in Frauenprießnitz (bei Jena), aus Plauen
Geographic NoteDE (iso3166)
Place of Activity
Place of BirthPlauen
Geburtsort Frauenprießnitz
Place of DeathFrauenprießnitz
HeadingFriderich, Johann
used in: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris; Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Friderich, Johann
used in: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris
Friderici, Johannes
used in: Common Library Network (GBV), Göttingen (Germany)
Variant NameFriderich, Johann, der Jüngere
Friderich, Johannes
Friderici, Ioannes
Friderici, Jo.
Friderici, Joannes
Friderici, Johann
Friderici, Johannes
Fridericus, Ioannes
Fridericus, Johannes
Friederich, Johann
Friederich, Johannes
Friedericus, Johannes
Friedrich, Johann
Friedrich, Johannes
Found inBN Cat gén : Friderici, Johann. — DBA. — De porphyrogenitis diatribe / M. Joannis Friderici, 1700. — WBIS. — DBA. — Jöcher. — DBA. — Thüringer Pfarrerbuch, Sachsen-Weimar, Entwurf 2016
Imprint SourcesFriderich, Johann: Liturgia vetus et nova sive collatio rituum liturgicorum ecclesiae ... - 1704
Friderich, Johann: Confessio Paulina de Christo theanthrōpō. - 1699