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thesaurus/cnp01403507 Pîrîzâde Mehmed Sâhib

Pîrîzâde Mehmed Sâhib

Record IDcnp01403507
Biographical Data1674 - 1748
Last Edit2021-03-31

General Note

Poète. - A exercé la fonction de Šayh̲ al-Islām (Şeyhülislâm, chef religieux musulman) en Empire ottoman (en 1745-46)

More Information

Further Biographical Data1674-1748
1674-1749. Todesjahr ca.
Intellectual ResponsibilityAuteur
Primary Language(s)Turkish, Ottoman
Geographic NoteTR (iso3166)


HeadingPîrîzâde Mehmed Sâhib
used in: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris
Pirizade Mehmet Sahip
used in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Variant NameMehmed Sâhib, Pîrîzâde
Turkish, Ottoman
Sâhib, Pîrîzâde Mehmed
Turkish, Ottoman
Sâhib Mehmed Efendi, Pîrîzâde
Turkish, Ottoman
Mehmet Pirizade
Pirizade, Mehmet
Pîrîzâde Mehmed Sâhib


Found inBnF Service turc, 2010-02-16. — Dergâh : Sâhib Mehmed Efendi (Pîrîzade). — Mukaddime : Osmanlı tercümesi / İbn Haldun ; mütercim Pirizade Mehmed Sâhib, Ahmed Cevdet Paşa ; haz. Yavuz Yıldırım [et al.], 2008. — LCAuth
Imprint SourcesMukaddime : Osmanlı tercümesi. - 2008

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