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thesaurus/cnp01391959 Chazerat, Charles A.

Chazerat, Charles A.

Record IDcnp01391959
Biographical Data1728 - 1824
Place of BirthClermont-Ferrand
Place of DeathClermont-Ferrand
Last Edit2024-02-08

General Note

Premier président de la Cour des aides de Clermont (1753). - Intendant de la généralité de Riom et de la province d'Auvergne (1774-1789). - Comte de Lezoux, vicomte d'Aubusson et de Montel, baron de Lignat...

More Information

Further Biographical Data20.04.1728-07.09.1824
Intellectual ResponsibilityAuteur
Primary Language(s)French
ActivityPersonen der Geschichte (Politiker und historische Persönlichkeiten) (16.5p) (sswd)
Geographic NoteFR (iso3166)
Place of BirthClermont-Ferrand (1728)
Place of DeathClermont-Ferrand (1824)

Place of Activity

Place of BirthClermont-Ferrand (1728)
Lieu de naissance
Place of DeathClermont-Ferrand (1824)
Lieu de mort


HeadingChazerat, Charles A.
used in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Chazerat, Charles-Antoine-Claude de
used in: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris
Variant NameChazerat, Charles-Antoine-Claude


Found inABF. — Dictionnaire de biographies françaises, Paris, 1959, t. 8, col. 957-958. — IBN, gegen Dict. biogr. Franc.
depiction of ...
[Unknown Artist / This file is from the Mechanical Curator collection, a set of over 1 million images scanned from out-of-copyright books and released to Flickr Commons by the British Library.  View image on Flickr   View all images from book  View catalogue entry for book.  -- Public domain -- http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:BONNEFOY(1895) p1.157 DE CHAZERAT (Charles-Antoine-Claude).jpg]

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