Perrenot, Abraham
Record IDcnp01390015
Biographical Data1726 - 1784
Last Edit2024-03-26
General Note
Not found in: LCAuth
Jurisconsulte. - Docteur en droit (Utrecht, 1748)
Ratgeber des Prinzen von Oranien
van oorspr. Zwitser
van 1778, echtgenoot van: !07062657X!
jurist (promoveerde in 1748, universiteit Utrecht); werkzaam als: raad- en rekenmeester van stadhouder-prins Willem V (1748-1806)
More Information
Further Biographical Data1726-1784
Intellectual ResponsibilityAuteur
Primary Language(s)Latin
ActivityArzt (gnd)
Bürgermeister (gnd)
Herausgeber (gnd)
Jurist (gnd)
jurist; magistraat; raadsman
Place of BirthNeuchâtel (Suisse (1726)
HeadingPerrenot, Abraham
used in: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris; Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany; Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany; Common Library Network (GBV), Göttingen (Germany); Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands, Den Haag (Netherlands)
Perrenot, Abraham
used in: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris
Perrenot, A.
used in: Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands, Den Haag (Netherlands)
Variant NamePerrenot, Abrahamus
Perrenot, Abrahamus
Perrenot, Abraham
Found inBAB,I 526,363-366. — BN Cat. gén.. — BN Cat. gén. suppl.. — Bibliothèque royale, Pays-Bas - (2009-01-23). — Biografisch Archief van de Benelux. — WBIS Online - (2009-01-23). — Willem.canneman - Begraafplaats Ter Navolging - (2009-01-23). — Disceptatio qua ex eo, quod aliquid est, efficitur esse Deum / A. Perrenot, Jcti, 1760
Imprint SourcesConsiderations sur l'etude de la Jurisprudence. - 1776
Diss., qua demonstratur, quantum divina revelatio ethices ... - 1762
Fasciculus Exercitationum de prohibenda sepultura. - 1775
Perrenot, Abraham: Considerations sur l'etude de la Jurisprudence. - 1776
Perrenot, Abraham: Diss., qua demonstratur, quantum divina revelatio ethices doctrinam pe
Reelant, Adriaan: Poemata, quae hactenus reperiri potuerunt. - 1748
Reland, Adrien: Poemata. - 1748
Serenissimo ac celsissimo principi Gulielmo Carolo... / (By Abraham Perrenot)..., 1747
Bedenkingen over de beoeffening der rechtsgeleerdh... / By A. Perrenot..., 1781