RubriqueḤassān ibn Ṯābit utilisé dans: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris
VarianteAnṣārī, Ḥassān ibn Ṯābit al- Arabic
Hasan ibn Thabit
Ibn Ṯābit al-Anṣārī, Ḥassān Arabic
حسّان بن ثابت Arabic
Trouvé dansŠarḥ dīwān Ḥassān ibn Ṯābit al-Anṣārī / waḍaʿahu wa-ḍabaṭa al-dīwān wa-ṣaḥḥaḥahu ʿAbd al-Raḥmân al-Barqūqī, 1990. — Encycl. Islam, 2e éd.. — BnF Service arabe
A 1967 sketch is poet Hassan ibn Thabit by unknown artist from the book "Min Oyun al-Shi'r"by Naji al-Qashtini [Unknown authorUnknown author / the book "Min Oyun al-Shi'r" (From the Fountains of Poetry) by Naji al-Qashtini, (Unknown sketcher of faces) 1967 . p 150 -- Public domain -- ibn Thabit, sketch, 1967.jpg]
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