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thesaurus/cnp01368828 Martini, Pierre

Martini, Pierre

Record IDcnp01368828
Biographical Data1530 - 1594
Place of BirthMorentin/Navarra
Last Edit2023-04-27

General Note

Philologue, grammairien hébraïsant. - Originaire de Navarre
Source(s) consultée(s) en vain: Cioranescu, 16e s.
Franz. Philologe; Prof. in La Rochelle
semiticus (m.n. Hebreeuwse grammatica)

More Information

Further Biographical Data1530-1594. Geburtsjahr ca.
d. 1594
ca. 1530-1594
Intellectual ResponsibilityAuteur
Primary Language(s)Latin
ActivityPhilologe (gnd)
Morentinus Navarrus
Geographic NoteFR (iso3166)

Place of Activity

Place of BirthMorentin/Navarra

Related Entries

See alsoJunius, Adrianus
Bekanntschaft. -- VD-16 Mitverf.
LaRamée, Pierre ¬de¬
Bekanntschaft. -- VD-16 Mitverf.
Bekanntschaft. -- VD-16 Mitverf.
Arcerius, Johannes, 1538-1604
Bekanntschaft. -- VD-16 Mitverf.
Iamblichus, Chalcidensis, 250-325
Bekanntschaft. -- VD-16 Mitverf.


HeadingMartini, Pierre
used in: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris; Bibliography of books published in German-speaking countries in 16th century (VD 16), Munich (Germany)
Martinez, Pierre
used in: British Library: English Short Title Catalogue - AACR2 Heading, London (United Kingdom)
Martini, Pierre
used in: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris
Martinius, Petrus
used in: Common Library Network (GBV), Göttingen (Germany); Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany; Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands, Den Haag (Netherlands)
Martinius, Petrus
used in: Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands, Den Haag (Netherlands)
Variant NameMartini, Pedro
Martini, Pierre
Martinius, M.
Martinius, Petrus
Martinius, Pierre
Martinus, Petrus
Navarrus, Petrus Martinius
Martinez, Pierre
Martinius, P.
Martinius Navarrus, Petrus
Martinius Morentinus Navarrus, Petrus


Found inLCAuth. — NUC pre '56. — Archives Biographiques Françaises I 714,436. — I 714,373-374. — BN Cat. gén.. — Dict. des lettres franç., le 16. s.=Martinez, Pierre, en latin Martinius; hebraist, b. in French Navarre, prof. at La Rochelle; d. 1594. — Michaud. — Hoefer. — Petri Martinii Grammatica hebraea libri duo, 1585
Imprint SourcesIulianus : Misopogon et epistolae. - 1506
Martinius, Petrus: Grammatica hebraea. - 1567
Martinius, Petrus: Grammatica hebraea. - 1607
Martinius, Petrus: Grammaticae hebraea. - 1584
Martinius, Petrus: That is the key of the holy tongue. - 1650
S112356: Mafta h Leshon ha-kodesh that is The key of the holy tongue, 1593 tp=woord for woord out of P. Martinius
Grammaticae Hebrææ libri duo.... / By Petrus Martinius. ; Ed. J. Drusius..., 1585
Mafteaẖ lešon ha-qodeš that is The key of th... / By P. Martinius. ; Translated from the Latin i..., 1650
Jamblichus Chalcidensis: Theanus, Myiae, Melissae et Pythagorae aliquot epistolia. 1598.
LaRamée, Pierre de: Dialecticae libri duo. 1589.

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