--- _id: cnp01367482 data: actNote: - intro: lang lang: eng text: English - authority: sswd intro: acti lang: ger text: 'Personen zu Kirchengeschichte, Systematischer und Praktischer Theologie, Kirche und Konfession (3.6p)' uri: http://d-nb.info/standards/vocab/gnd/gnd-sc#3.6p - intro: acti lang: ger text: Bischof v. London u. Berater Heinrichs VIII. (1475?-1539) bioDates: - lang: eng text: 1475?-08.09.1539 - end: 1539 lang: fre start: 1475 text: 1475?-1539 - lang: ger start: 1530 text: ca. seit 1530 - end: 1539 lang: eng start: 1475 text: c1475-1539 extDataset: - code: WDAT note: - lang: eng text: Wikidata description set searchTerm: http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q6259279 typeOfResource: same - code: PARB note: - lang: eng text: Authority record searchTerm: http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb13506216t typeOfResource: orig - code: VIAF note: - lang: eng text: Clustered authority record searchTerm: http://viaf.org/viaf/62360256 typeOfResource: same - code: DNBI note: - lang: eng text: Authority record searchTerm: http://d-nb.info/gnd/119524015 typeOfResource: same external: - auth: BNF catRules: AFNOR Z 44-061 country: FR date: 19990218 id: FRBNF135062169 - auth: GND country: DE date: 20080406 id: 119524015 - auth: CERL country: GB date: 20070913 id: 157 foundIn: - "Henry VIII's conservative scholar : bishop John Stokesley and the divorce, royal supremacy and doctrinal Reform / Andrew A. Chibi, cop. 1997" - BRUO 1785 - 'PND, Brit. biogr. archive' gender: b generalNote: - lang: fre text: Evêque de Londres - lang: fre text: 'Source(s) consultée(s) en vain: GDEL. - GLU. - Encycl. Britannica, 1994' - lang: eng text: "Magd. fellow 1496-1507, lector in logic 1499, in nat. phil. 1504-5, proctor (northern) of univ. 1503-4, in Rome 1513, archdcn of Surrey 1522, of Dorset 1523, bp of London 1530-, chpl to king 1518, King's councillor 1521, almoner 1523, anti-reformist" geoNote: - intro: nati lang: eng text: United Kingdom - authority: iso3166 intro: geon lang: und text: GB - intro: geon lang: ger text: Großbritannien heading: - part: - entry: Stokesley - firstname: John usedBy: - BNF - part: - entry: Stokesley - firstname: John usedBy: - GyFmDB - EBOB name: - part: - entry: Stokesley - firstname: Henry typeOfName: varn previousId: - cnp01137347 - cnp00558210 typeOfEntry: 0 meta: distinctFrom: - cnp00154841 history: - timestamp: 2012-02-29T12:00:00Z - timestamp: 2016-05-20T12:00:00Z - timestamp: 2019-05-03T12:00:00Z - timestamp: 2020-05-27T12:00:00Z - timestamp: 2021-05-07T07:35:31Z remark: - Authority record from 'Early Book Owners in Britain' database. Do NOT MERGE with any other EBOB authority record.