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thesaurus/cnp01359994 Dodwell, Edward

Dodwell, Edward

Identifiant de la noticecnp01359994
Données biographiques1767 - 1832
Lieu de naissanceDublin
Lieu de décèsRome (Italie)
Dernière modification2024-02-08

Note générale

Brit. Archäologe, Reisender und Zeichner
Archéologue et voyageur. - Dessinateur. - Peintre
Note de regroupement par domaine: (914)
Note de regroupement par domaine: Dessin, arts décoratifs, artisanat d'art (740)
Note de regroupement par domaine: Préhistoire et histoire ancienne (930)

Plus d'information

Autres données biographiques1767-1832
Responsabilité intellectuelleAuteur
Langue(s) principale(s)English
ActivitéPersonen zu Kunstwissenschaft, Kunsthistoriker (13.1bp) (sswd)
Personen zu Malerei, Zeichnung, Grafik (13.4p) (sswd)
Personen zu Geografie, Heimat- und Länderkunde (19.1dp) (sswd)
Archäologe (gnd)
Dublin (Geburtsort); Archäologe
Note géographiqueGB (iso3166)
IE (iso3166)

Lieu d'activité

Lieu de naissanceDublin (Irlande) (1767)
Lieu de naissance
Lieu de décèsRome (Italie) (1832)
Lieu de mort


RubriqueDodwell, Edward
utilisé dans: Integrated Authority File (GND), Allemagne
Dodwell, Edward
utilisé dans: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris
Dodwell, Edward, Archäologe
utilisé dans: Réseau commun des bibliothèques (GBV), Göttingen (Allemagne)
VarianteDodwell, Eduardo


Trouvé dansM. — B 1966. — Thieme-Becker. — LoC-NA. — Views in Greece from drawings / Edward Dodwell, 1821. — Bénézit, 1976. — Oxford DNB : Dodwell, Edward (1776/7-1832). — BN Cat. gén.
SourcesDodwell, Edward: Classische und topographische Reise durch Griechenland während 1801, 180*. - 1821
Dodwell, Edward: Vues et Descriptions de Constructions Cyclopéennes ou Pelasgiques trouv*. - 1834
Dodwell, Edward: A classical and topographical Tour through Greece, during the Years 18*. - 1819
Dodwell, Edward: A classical and topographical tour through Greece, during the years 18
Dodwell, Edward: Alcuni Bassirilievi della Grecia. - 1812
Dodwell, Edward: Views and Descriptions of Cylopian or Pelasgic remains in Greece and Ita*. - 1834
Dodwell, Edward: Views and descriptions of Cyclopian and Pelasgic remains in Greece and I*. - 1834
Dodwell, Edward: Views in Greece. - 1821
Views and descriptions of Cyclopian or Pelasgic remains in Greece and Italy, with constru*. - 1834
depiction of ...
This drawing is taken from a series of 125 profile portraits by Count Alfred d’Orsay, made between about 1828 and 1850 and published by J. Mitchell of Bond Street. 61 similar drawings for the series and several engraved versions are now in the collection of the National Portrait Gallery, London. The sitters were all well-known artists, writers and socialites and this example shows archaeologist Edward Dodwell.Edward Dodwell came from West Molesey in Surrey and was educated at Parson’s Green School in Somerset and Trinity College, Cambridge. He came from a wealthy family and felt no necessity to work. Dodwell travelled widely, visiting Greece three times with fellow archaeologist William Gell in 1801, 1805 and 1806. In 1805 he visited Athens with the intention of making drawings and notes on the Acropolis. To gain entry to the building, Dodwell was required to make a payment to the Turkish governor (or disdar). He paid only part of this fee and, as a result, was not granted permission to enter. Unperturbed, he found an alternative method of entry by bribing the men who guarded the Acropolis.Dodwell spent his last years living between Naples and Rome. He died in Rome in 1832.

[Alfred d'Orsay / http://www.gac.culture.gov.uk/work.aspx?obj=27790 -- Public domain -- http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Edward Dodwell drawing, 1828.jpg]


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