Bauer, Franz
Record IDcnp01352670
Biographical Data1758 - 1840
Last Edit2024-02-08
General Note
Nationality: Austria
Peintre de fleurs. - Travaille jusqu'en 1788 pour le prince Dietrichstein puis, en 1790, passe en Angleterre où il devient dessinateur du jardin botanique de Kew et peintre à titre permanent de la cour de George III
Österreichischer Botaniker u. Maler (Pflanzenmaler); jüngerer Bruder von Bauer, Joseph Anton
More Information
Further Biographical Data1758-1840
Intellectual ResponsibilityAuteur
Primary Language(s)German
ActivityPersonen zu Malerei, Zeichnung, Grafik (13.4p) (sswd)
Botaniker (gnd)
Maler (gnd)
Botaniker; Pflanzenmaler
Geographic NoteAT (iso3166)
Tschechische Republik
CZ (iso3166)
HeadingBauer, Franz
used in: HANS, SUB Göttingen (Germany)
Bauer, Franz Andreas
used in: HANS, SUB Göttingen (Germany); Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany; British Library: English Short Title Catalogue - AACR2 Heading, London (United Kingdom); British Library: English Short Title Catalogue - GK Heading, London (United Kingdom); Common Library Network (GBV), Göttingen (Germany)
Bauer, Franz Andreas
used in: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris
Variant NameBauer, Francis
Bauer, Franz
Found inNUC=Bauer, Franz Andreas, 1758-1840. — GK55. — BN Cat. gén.. — DBA. — Bénézit : 1976, né le 14 mars ou le 1er octobre 1758. — Genera filicum or illustrations of the ferns, and other allied genera / from the orig. coloured drawings of the late Francis Bauer ; with add. and descriptive letterpress by Sir William Jackson Hooker, 1995 [document électronique : reprod. de l'éd. de 1842]. — Genera filicum or illustrations of the ferns, and other allied genera / from the orig. coloured drawings of the late Francis Bauer ; with add. and descriptive letterpress by Sir William Jackson Hooker, 1995 [document électronique : reprod. de l'éd. de 1842]. — The Bauers : Joseph, Franz & Ferdinand : masters of botanical illustration : an illustrated biography / Hans Walter Lack, 2015. — LC Authorities - (2017-07-12). — BN Cat. gén.. — Thieme-Becker. — LCAuth
Imprint SourcesAiton, William T.: Delineations of exotic plants of the royal Garden in Kew. - 1796
T093561: his Delineations of exotick plants ... at Kew, 1796-1803 tp=By Francis Bauer
Hooker, William J.: Genera Filicum. - 1838-1842
Lindley, John: The Genera and species of Orchideous Plants. - 1830
Microscopical Observations on the suspension of the muscular motions of the vibrio tritici. - 1823