Kemble, John Mitchell
Record IDcnp01340509
Biographical Data1807 - 1857
Last Edit2024-02-08
General Note
A aussi écrit en latin
Philologue et historien. - Pasteur anglican
Nationality: United Kingdom
A lay member of the Church of England
A lay member of the Church of England; Engl. Philologe und Historiker
More Information
Further Biographical Data02.04.1807-26.03.1857
Intellectual ResponsibilityAuteur
Primary Language(s)English
ActivityPersonen zu Literaturwissenschaft (Literaturwissenschaftler) (12.1p) (sswd)
Germanist (gnd)
Philologe (gnd)
Engl. Philologe und Historiker
Geographic NoteGB (iso3166)
NationalityUnited Kingdom
Place of Activity
Place of BirthLondres (1807)
Lieu de naissance Place of DeathDublin (1857)
Lieu de mort
HeadingKemble, John Mitchell
used in: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris
Kemble, John Mitchell
used in: HANS, SUB Göttingen (Germany); Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Variant NameKemble, Johannes M.
Kemble, J. M.
Kemble, Johannes Mitchell
Kemble, John M.
Mitchell Kemble, John
Found inThe knights hospitallers in England : being the report of prior Philip de Thame to the grand master Elyan de Villanova for a. d. 1338 / ed. by the rev. Lambert B. Larking ; with an historical introduction by John Mitchell Kemble, 1857. — Codex diplomaticus aevi saxonici / opera Johannis M. Kemble, 1839-1848. — DNB. — LC Authorities - (2016-11-18). — BN Cat. gén.. — BBA (WBIS). — LoC-NA, Dict. nat. biogr., Wikipedia
Imprint SourcesKemble, John M.: Codex diplomaticus aevi Saxonici
Kemble, John M.: The Saxons in England
Kemble, John M.: Ueber die Stammtafel der Westsachsen. - 1836
The Anglo-Saxon poems of Beowulf. - 1835 - 1837
The poetry of the Codex Vercellensis