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thesaurus/cnp01334948 Leslie, John

Leslie, John

Record IDcnp01334948
Dati biografici1527 - 1596
Ultima modifica2024-02-08

Nota generale

Bishop of Ross, historian and conspirator. Born 1527, Kingussie, Inverness-shire. Granted dispensation to become a priest 1539, whilst still a scholar in Moray. Graduated M.A., King's Coll., and became acolyte in the cathedral church there. Inducted to a canonry. Went to France to continue his studies 1549. Read theology, Hebrew and Greek in Paris, then studied canon and civil law at Poitiers for four years. Returned to Paris and gained his doctorate in canon and civil law. Appointed canonist, King's Coll., 1553. Official of Aberdeen, 1558. Made parson, canon and prebendary of Oyne, 1559. Summoned to Edinburgh to dispute with John Knox 1561. Sent to France to counsel Mary, Queen of Scots on her husband's death, 1560, and invite her to return home. Professor of canon law, King's Coll., 1562. Ordinary judge of the Court of Session and privy councillor 1565. Acquired the abbacy of Lindores, Fife, and the bishopric of Ross 1566. Now chief adviser to Mary on ecclesiastical affairs. Travelled to England for Mary's official enquiry at York. Arrested and held prisoner Feb-April 1569 for his role as commissioner to Mary, again in November 1569-May 1570 for involvement in the rising of Catholic earls in Northumberland and Westmorland. Embroiled in the Ridolfi plot 1571, sent to the Tower for refusing to make a full confession. Remained in prison for 18 months. Exiled 1573 by order of Queen Elizabeth. Crossed to France 1574 and tried to ingratiate himself with the French court. Sent as Mary's ambassador to Pope Gregory XIII at Rome 1575. Whilst there, wrote a Latin history of Scotland, published 1578. Travelled back to Paris via Austria and Prague, gathering support for Mary's cause, although captured in Lorraine for a month after being mistaken for the papal legate. Rumoured to be in Dieppe, 1580, waiting to return to Scotland. Appointed suffragan and vicar-general to the archbishop of Rouen. Comprised in an act of pacification after Mary's death in 1587, but this would have required him to give a confession of faith. Translated to the bishopric of Coutances, Normandy 1592 but unable to take up his post due to the unsettled nature of the country. Said to have retired to a monastery near Brussels, where he died and was buried, but this is uncertain.
Bischof von Ross; Ratgeber von Maria Stuart; Schott. römisch-kath. Bischof und Historiker
Bisschop van Ross.
Évêque de Ross. Écrit aussi en anglais et en français.
Bischof von Ross; Ratgeber von Maria Stuart; Schott. römisch-kath. Bischof und Historiker.
Vescovo cattolico di Ross dal 1566, consigliere di Maria Stuart, fu esiliato nel 1573 per ordine della regina Elisabetta, scrisse varie opere sulla storia scozzese. Nato nel 1527 e morto a Bruxelles nel 1596.

Maggiori informazioni

Ulteriori dati biografici1527-96
1527-Bruxelles, 1596
Responsabilità intellettualeauthor
Lingua madreLatin
AttivitàPersonen der Geschichtswissenschaft (Historiker, Archäologen) (16.1p) (sswd)
Personen zu Kirchengeschichte, Systematischer und Praktischer Theologie, Kirche und Konfession (3.6p) (sswd)
Bischof (gnd)
Nota geograficaGB (iso3166)
Risorsa on lineOnline Resource
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Risorsa on lineOnline Resource
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IntestazioneLeslie, John
Usata in: The University of Aberdeen Library
Leslie, John
Usata in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Leslie, John
Usata in: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris; Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico delle biblioteche italiane e per le informazioni bibliografiche - Roma (Italia); Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands, Den Haag (Netherlands)
Leslie, John
Usata in: Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands, Den Haag (Netherlands)
VarianteLesle, Joannes
Leslie, Joannes
Ioannes Leslaeus Scotus
Nome su edizioni
Leslaeus, Iohannes
EDIT16-ID:CNCA20641 [Fonti esterne: FON]
Leslaeus, Joannes
Leslaeus, Johannes
Lesleo, Johann
Lesleus, Joannes
Lesley, Jean
Lesley, John
Leslie, Jhone
Leslie, John [Fonti esterne: WBIS; GVSPR; EI]
Leslie, John Bishop of Ross [Fonti esterne: NUC; BLC]
Lesselie, Jean
Lesselie, Jean ¬de¬
Rothes, John L. ¬of¬
PseudonimoMorgan, Philippes

Fonti esterne

Trovato inLOC. — DNB. — Fasti 29. — ESL 42. — Drummond 302. — BN Cat. gén. : Leslie (John), évêque de Ross. — DNB. — Michaud. — EI. — GVSPR. — WBIS. — BLC. — NUC. — FON. — LoC-NA. — Enc. Brit.
Fonti a stampaA defence of the honour of Marie Quene of Scotlande. - 1569
Libri duo... animi consolationes / Joannis Leslaei Scoti, 1574
The history of Scotland. - 1830
De origine moribus & rebus gestis Scotorum libri d... / By Joannes Leslaeus..., 1675
De origine ... et rebus gestis Scotorum. - 1578
depiction of ...
Portrait of John Lesley, Bishop of Ross, historian
[Unknown authorUnknown author / Marischal Museum, Aberdeen, Scotland -- Public domain -- http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:John Lesley.jpg]

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Koninklijke Bibliotheek
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