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thesaurus/cnp01333588 Jean de Gand

Jean de Gand

Record IDcnp01333588
Bibliografische gegevens1340 - 1399
GeboorteplaatsGand (Belgique)
Plaats van overlijdenLeicester (Royaume-Uni)
Voor het laatst bewerkt2024-02-08

Algemene noot

Duc d'Aquitaine et de Lancaster, roi de Castille et de León. - Quatrième fils d'Édouard III (1312–1377), roi d'Angleterre

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Verdere bibliografische gegevens06.03.1340-03.02.1399
Intellectuele verantwoordelijkheidAuteur
NationaliteitUnited Kingdom

Plaats van werkzaamheid

GeboorteplaatsGand (Belgique) (1340)
Lieu de naissance
Plaats van overlijdenLeicester (Royaume-Uni) (1399)
Lieu de mort


KopjeJean de Gand
gebruikt in: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris
NaamsvariantJohn of Gaunt


Gevonden inJohn of Gaunt's Register, 1379-1383. Vol. I [-II] / Edited from the original record by the late Eleanor C. Lodge and Robert Somerville, 1937. — GDEL. — Oxford Dictionary of National Biography : John [John of Gaunt], duke of Aquitaine and duke of Lancaster, styled king of Castile and León - https://doi.org/10.1093/ref:odnb/14843 (2022-12-05)
depiction of ...
Anachronistic portrait of John of Gaunt, 1st Duke of Lancaster (1340-1399), Knight of the Garter, fourth but third surviving son of King Edward III of England. Property of his descendant the Duke of Beaufort, hanging at Badminton House, Gloucestershire. Portrait commissioned in about 1593 by Sir w:Edward Hoby (1560-1617) for display inside Queenborough Castle, Kent, probably modelled on Gaunt's now lost tomb effigy in Old St Paul's Cathedral. (Source: Harris, Oliver D. (2010). "'Une tres riche sepulture': the tomb and chantry of John of Gaunt and Blanche of Lancaster in Old St Paul's Cathedral, London", published in Journal of the Church Monuments Society, Vol.25, p.16). (Sir Edward Hoby served from 1597 as Constable of Queenborough Castle in Kent, but had served earlier from 1592 as a Member of Parliament for Kent). Gaunt's tabard shows the royal arms of Castile and León impaling his differenced paternal royal arms, while on the Tudor-style shield (circumscribed by the Garter) Castile and León is shown as an inescutcheon of pretence, representing his claim to that kingdom by right of his second marriage to Constance of Castile. He is dressed in black armour, as was the custom of his eldest brother the Black Prince. Inscribed in Latin: Johannes filius quartus Edwardi Tertii. Rex Castellae et Legione (sic, Legionis?) Dux Lancastriae Constabularius Caste(llae) de Queensbourg quinto Octobris Anno Regni Edwardi Tertii Anglia(e) 50o Franciae 37o ("John, fourth son of Edward III. King of Castile and of León (Castella et Legio), Duke of Lancaster, Constable of the Castle of Queenborough on the fifth of October in the year of the reign of Edward the Third, of England the 50th (i.e. 1376), of France the 37th").
Said variously to be attributed to Lucas Cornelisz de Kock (1495-1552) (who however died 41 years before the painting is said (by Oliver Harris, 2010) to have been commissioned, sometimes erroneously ascribed to Luca Cornelli.
/ http://alisonweir.org.uk/books/bookpages/more-katherine-swynford_20_441522163.jpg -- Public domain -- http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Johnofgaunt.jpg]

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