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thesaurus/cnp01332570 Zieger, Johannes

Zieger, Johannes

Record IDcnp01332570
Dati biografici1646 - 1711
Luogo di nascitaSchleiz
Luogo di morteNürnberg
Ultima modifica2021-06-29

Nota generale

Libraire. - Natif de Schleiz (Thuringe) ; fils d'un maître d'école. Beau-frère du libraire de Nuremberg Johann Hof(f)mann. Membre du grand conseil de la ville de Nuremberg
Source(s) consultée(s) en vain: ADB. - Schmidt

Maggiori informazioni

Ulteriori dati biografici19.01.1646-29.11.1711
date di attività1676-1711
Responsabilità intellettualeAuteur
Professione / occupazioneImprimeur-libraire
AttivitàType de document concerné: Texte imprimé
Personen zu Buchwissenschaft, Buchhandel (2.2p) (sswd)
Księgarz i nakładca; działał w Norymberdze w l. 1677-1711 oraz we Frankfurcie nad Menem w 1685 r.
Buchhändler (gnd) (1677 - 1711)
Verleger (gnd) (1677 - 1711)
Nota geograficaDE (iso3166)

Luogo di attività

Luogo di nascitaSchleiz
Luogo di attivitàBamberg (1703)
Nürnberg (1676 - 1711)
Luogo di morteNürnberg

Accessi collegati

Vedi ancheZieger, Johannes
Imprint name record
Zieger, Johann
parallel imprint name record
Sumptibus Johannis Ziegeri


IntestazioneZieger, Johannes
Usata in: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris
Zieger, Johann
Usata in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany; Biblioteka Narodowa, Warszawa; NUKAT union catalogue of Polish academic and research libraries
Zieger, Johannes
Usata in: Common Library Network (GBV), Göttingen (Germany)
VarianteZieger, Jean
Ziegerus, Joannes
Ziegerus, Johannes
Ziger, Juan
Zieger, Johannes

Fonti esterne

Trovato inBenzing. — Paisey, 1701-1750. — STC German books, 1601-1700. — LoC-NA. — Nürnberger Künstlerlexikon. — Paisey, S. 295. — Examen melissaeum, id est Novarum apicularum colonia, quae aculeolis suis armatae ad Gentilitiam Salvatarum Rosam deducuntur [...] V. libris comprehensum, quibus additur liber VI ex Graecis fontibus / authore Bohuslao Aloysio Balbino [...]. - Coloniae ; [Nürnberg], 1687 (Nakł). — VD17 (www.vd17.de). — Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin (http://staatsbibliothek-berlin.de/). — Institutiones linguae Hebraicae, in sex partes distributae [...] / opera Georgii Mayr [...]. - Herbipoli, 1695 (Nakł). — Legatio Polono-Lithuanica in Moscoviam [...] / a [...] Bernhardo Leopoldo Francisco Tannero... - Norimbergae, 1689 (Nakł). — Legatio Polono- Lithuanica in Moscoviam [...] anno 1678 [...] suscepta / nunc breviter [...] descripta a teste occulato Bernhardo Leopoldo Francisco Tannero [...]. - Norimbergae, 1689. (Nakł). — Paisey. — VD 17 online
depiction of ...
Porträt Johann Zieger (1646 - 1711)
[This image from the German Museum of Books and Writing collection "Portraits of printers, editors, book dealers and book binders" is freely available under CC0 1.0]

Lo stesso di

SUDOC (France)
Authority record
Wikidata description set

Mappa (attività)


image of Zieger, Johannes
Porträt Johann Zieger (1646 - 1711)
[This image from the German Museum of Books and Writing collection "Portraits of printers, editors, book dealers and book binders" is freely available under CC0 1.0]
image of Zieger, Johannes
Porträt Johann Zieger (1646 - 1711)
[This image from the German Museum of Books and Writing collection "Portraits of printers, editors, book dealers and book binders" is freely available under CC0 1.0]

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