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thesaurus/cnp01330283 Wāṣil ibn ´Aṭā', Abū Ḥud̲ayfah al-Ġazzāl

Wāṣil ibn ´Aṭā', Abū Ḥud̲ayfah al-Ġazzāl

Record IDcnp01330283
Biographical Data0700 - 0748
Last Edit2024-02-08

General Note

Chef des Mu´tazilites. - Théologien

More Information

Further Biographical Data0700?-0748
Intellectual ResponsibilityAuteur
Primary Language(s)Arabic

Place of Activity

Place of BirthMédine (Arabie saoudite) (0700)
Lieu de naissance


HeadingWāṣil ibn ´Aṭā', Abū Ḥud̲ayfah al-Ġazzāl
used in: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris
Variant NameIbn ´Aṭā', Wāṣil


Found inWāṣil ibn ´Aṭā' Als Prediger und Theologe : ein neuer Text aus dem 8 Jahrhundert n. Chr / herausgegeben mit übersetzung und kommentar von Hans Daiber, 1988. — Encycl. Islam. — BN Service arabe
depiction of ...
An imaginary sketch representing Wāá¹£il ibn ʿAtāʾ, founder of the Muʿtazilite school of Kalam.
[Unknown authorUnknown author / Scanned Photo from a book entitled Sayr mulhimah : min al-Sharq wa-al-Gharb, first translated into Arabic and published in Egypt in 1381 AH = 1961 CE. Check OCLC -- Public domain -- http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Wāá¹£il ibn ʿAtāʾ, Sayr mulhimah min al-Sharq wa-al-Gharb.png]


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