CERL Thesaurus

thesaurus/cnp01330062 Bright, Henry Arthur


_id: cnp01330062
  delete: 0
  edit: 0
    - intro: acti
      lang: ger
      text: Ital. Philosoph
    - intro: lang
      lang: eng
      text: Latin
    - intro: irsp
      lang: fre
      text: Auteur
    - authority: sswd
      intro: acti
      lang: ger
      text: Personen zu Philosophie (4.7p)
      uri: http://d-nb.info/standards/vocab/gnd/gnd-sc#4.7p
    - authority: gnd
      intro: acti
      lang: ger
      text: Philosoph
      uri: http://d-nb.info/gnd/4045790-4
    - end: 1524
      lang: und
      start: 1462
      text: 1462-1524
    - end: 1525
      lang: fre
      start: 1462
      text: 16.09.1462-18.05.1525
    - end: 1525
      lang: ger
      start: 1462
      text: 1462-1525
    - code: WIKI
      searchTerm: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pietro_Pomponazzi
      typeOfResource: info
    - code: BNFR
        - lang: eng
          text: Authority record
      searchTerm: http://data.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb121975325
      typeOfResource: same
    - code: DBPD
        - lang: eng
          text: Authority record
      searchTerm: http://dbpedia.org/resource/Pietro_Pomponazzi
      typeOfResource: same
    - code: DNBI
        - lang: eng
          text: Authority record
      searchTerm: http://d-nb.info/gnd/118595628
      typeOfResource: same
    - code: SUDO
        - lang: eng
          text: Authority record
      searchTerm: http://www.idref.fr/030590698/id
      typeOfResource: same
    - code: VIAF
        - lang: eng
          text: Clustered authority record
      searchTerm: http://viaf.org/viaf/27113040
      typeOfResource: same
    - code: WDAT
        - lang: eng
          text: Wikidata description set
      searchTerm: http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q318787
      typeOfResource: same
    - code: PARB
        - lang: eng
          text: Authority record
      searchTerm: http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb121975325
      typeOfResource: orig
    - code: KAPE
        - lang: eng
          text: Manuscript material
      searchTerm: 118595628
      typeOfResource: bibl
    - code: LINK
        - lang: und
          text: Pietro Pomponazzi
      rights: 'Unknown authorUnknown author / http://biografie.studenti.it/biografia.htm?BioID=1539&biografia=Pietro+Pomponazzi -- Public domain -- http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Pietro Pomponazzi.jpg'
      searchTerm: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:FilePath/File:Pietro Pomponazzi.jpg
      typeOfResource: dpct
    - note:
        - lang: eng
          text: Display the original Edit16 name's record
      url: http://edit16.iccu.sbn.it/scripts/iccu_ext.dll?fn=11&i=8474
    - auth: GyGoGBV
      country: DE
      date: 20031120
      id: 134286219
    - auth: ICCU
      catRules: RICA
      country: IT
      date: 20080131
      id: CNCA008474
    - auth: ICCU
      catRules: RICA
      country: IT
      date: 20080131
      id: CNCA23125
    - auth: ICCU
      catRules: RICA
      country: IT
      date: 20080131
      id: CNCA23153
    - auth: ICCU
      catRules: RICA
      country: IT
      date: 20080131
      id: CNCA23154
    - auth: BNF
      catRules: AFNOR Z 44-061
      country: FR
      date: 20170406
      id: FRBNF121975323
    - auth: 'BSB,VD16'
      country: DE
      date: 19960521
      id: M V409983 D
    - auth: 'BSB,VD16'
      country: DE
      date: 19960521
      id: M V409985 U
    - auth: GyGoGBV
      country: DE
      date: 20020621
      id: 079388213
    - auth: GND
      country: DE
      date: 20170208
      id: 118595628
    - BNI
    - DEI
    - EI
    - NUC
    - BNPC
    - BSBAK
    - IBI
    - MZT
    - BLC
    - BMSTC
    - ADCAM
    - COSEN
    - JO
    - 'BN Cat. gén. : Pomponazzi (Pietro)'
    - 'GDEL : Pomponace (Pierre)'
    - 'Encicl. italiana : Pomponazzi (Pietro)'
    - 'Tractatus de immortalitate animae / Petri Pomponatii, 1634'
    - LCAuth
    - M
    - 'Archivio Biografico Italiano I 803,14-19'
    - 'II 480,46-52'
    - 'III 345,114-120'
    - 'IV 377,85-94'
  gender: b
    - lang: ita
      text: Professore di filosofia nato a Mantova nel 1462 e morto nel 1524.
    - lang: fre
      text: 'Professeur de philosophie à Padoue, Ferrare et Bologne'
    - lang: fre
      text: 'Source(s) consultée(s) en vain: BN Cat. gén. 1960-1969'
    - lang: fre
      text: Écrivait aussi en italien et en français
    - lang: ger
      text: 'Philosoph, Humanist'
    - lang: ger
      text: Ital. Philosoph
    - intro: nati
      lang: eng
      text: Italian
    - intro: nati
      lang: eng
      text: Italy
    - authority: iso3166
      intro: geon
      lang: und
      text: IT
    - intro: ctry
      lang: ger
      text: Italien
    - part:
        - entry: Pomponazzi
        - firstname: Pietro
        - ICCU
        - GyGoGBV
    - part:
        - entry: Pomponace
        - firstname: Pierre
        - BNF
    - part:
        - entry: Pomponazzi
        - firstname: Pietro
        - 'BSB,VD16'
        - GyFmDB
        - GyGoGBV
    - id: VD16 P 4144
      source: BSBVD16
      title: 'Pomponazzi, Pietro: PETRI POMPONATII MANTVAni summi & clarissimi suo tempore philosophi, de naturalium ... 1556. '
    - id: VD16 P 4145
      source: BSBVD16
      title: 'Pomponazzi, Pietro: PETRI POMPONATII PHILOSOPHI ET THEOLOGI DOCTRINA ET ingenio praestantissimi, Opera. De ... 1567. '
    - id: VD16 R 2311
      source: BSBVD16
      title: 'Ricius, Paul: IH APOSTOLORVM SIMBOLVM 
depiction of ...
Pietro Pomponazzi
[Unknown authorUnknown author / http://biografie.studenti.it/biografia.htm?BioID=1539&biografia=Pietro+Pomponazzi -- Public domain -- http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Pietro Pomponazzi.jpg]

Bibliographische Datensätze

Verbundkatalog Kalliope
Manuscript material


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Authority record
SUDOC (France)
Authority record
Wikidata description set

Karte (Aktivitäten)


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_id: cnp01330062
  delete: 0
  edit: 0
    - intro: acti
      lang: ger
      text: Ital. Philosoph
    - intro: lang
      lang: eng
      text: Latin
    - intro: irsp
      lang: fre
      text: Auteur
    - authority: sswd
      intro: acti
      lang: ger
      text: Personen zu Philosophie (4.7p)
      uri: http://d-nb.info/standards/vocab/gnd/gnd-sc#4.7p
    - authority: gnd
      intro: acti
      lang: ger
      text: Philosoph
      uri: http://d-nb.info/gnd/4045790-4
    - end: 1524
      lang: und
      start: 1462
      text: 1462-1524
    - end: 1525
      lang: fre
      start: 1462
      text: 16.09.1462-18.05.1525
    - end: 1525
      lang: ger
      start: 1462
      text: 1462-1525
    - code: WIKI
      searchTerm: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pietro_Pomponazzi
      typeOfResource: info
    - code: BNFR
        - lang: eng
          text: Authority record
      searchTerm: http://data.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb121975325
      typeOfResource: same
    - code: DBPD
        - lang: eng
          text: Authority record
      searchTerm: http://dbpedia.org/resource/Pietro_Pomponazzi
      typeOfResource: same
    - code: DNBI
        - lang: eng
          text: Authority record
      searchTerm: http://d-nb.info/gnd/118595628
      typeOfResource: same
    - code: SUDO
        - lang: eng
          text: Authority record
      searchTerm: http://www.idref.fr/030590698/id
      typeOfResource: same
    - code: VIAF
        - lang: eng
          text: Clustered authority record
      searchTerm: http://viaf.org/viaf/27113040
      typeOfResource: same
    - code: WDAT
        - lang: eng
          text: Wikidata description set
      searchTerm: http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q318787
      typeOfResource: same
    - code: PARB
        - lang: eng
          text: Authority record
      searchTerm: http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb121975325
      typeOfResource: orig
    - code: KAPE
        - lang: eng
          text: Manuscript material
      searchTerm: 118595628
      typeOfResource: bibl
    - code: LINK
        - lang: und
          text: Pietro Pomponazzi
      rights: 'Unknown authorUnknown author / http://biografie.studenti.it/biografia.htm?BioID=1539&biografia=Pietro+Pomponazzi -- Public domain -- http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Pietro Pomponazzi.jpg'
      searchTerm: http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Special:FilePath/File:Pietro Pomponazzi.jpg
      typeOfResource: dpct
    - note:
        - lang: eng
          text: Display the original Edit16 name's record
      url: http://edit16.iccu.sbn.it/scripts/iccu_ext.dll?fn=11&i=8474
    - auth: GyGoGBV
      country: DE
      date: 20031120
      id: 134286219
    - auth: ICCU
      catRules: RICA
      country: IT
      date: 20080131
      id: CNCA008474
    - auth: ICCU
      catRules: RICA
      country: IT
      date: 20080131
      id: CNCA23125
    - auth: ICCU
      catRules: RICA
      country: IT
      date: 20080131
      id: CNCA23153
    - auth: ICCU
      catRules: RICA
      country: IT
      date: 20080131
      id: CNCA23154
    - auth: BNF
      catRules: AFNOR Z 44-061
      country: FR
      date: 20170406
      id: FRBNF121975323
    - auth: 'BSB,VD16'
      country: DE
      date: 19960521
      id: M V409983 D
    - auth: 'BSB,VD16'
      country: DE
      date: 19960521
      id: M V409985 U
    - auth: GyGoGBV
      country: DE
      date: 20020621
      id: 079388213
    - auth: GND
      country: DE
      date: 20170208
      id: 118595628
    - BNI
    - DEI
    - EI
    - NUC
    - BNPC
    - BSBAK
    - IBI
    - MZT
    - BLC
    - BMSTC
    - ADCAM
    - COSEN
    - JO
    - 'BN Cat. gén. : Pomponazzi (Pietro)'
    - 'GDEL : Pomponace (Pierre)'
    - 'Encicl. italiana : Pomponazzi (Pietro)'
    - 'Tractatus de immortalitate animae / Petri Pomponatii, 1634'
    - LCAuth
    - M
    - 'Archivio Biografico Italiano I 803,14-19'
    - 'II 480,46-52'
    - 'III 345,114-120'
    - 'IV 377,85-94'
  gender: b
    - lang: ita
      text: Professore di filosofia nato a Mantova nel 1462 e morto nel 1524.
    - lang: fre
      text: 'Professeur de philosophie à Padoue, Ferrare et Bologne'
    - lang: fre
      text: 'Source(s) consultée(s) en vain: BN Cat. gén. 1960-1969'
    - lang: fre
      text: Écrivait aussi en italien et en français
    - lang: ger
      text: 'Philosoph, Humanist'
    - lang: ger
      text: Ital. Philosoph
    - intro: nati
      lang: eng
      text: Italian
    - intro: nati
      lang: eng
      text: Italy
    - authority: iso3166
      intro: geon
      lang: und
      text: IT
    - intro: ctry
      lang: ger
      text: Italien
    - part:
        - entry: Pomponazzi
        - firstname: Pietro
        - ICCU
        - GyGoGBV
    - part:
        - entry: Pomponace
        - firstname: Pierre
        - BNF
    - part:
        - entry: Pomponazzi
        - firstname: Pietro
        - 'BSB,VD16'
        - GyFmDB
        - GyGoGBV
    - id: VD16 P 4144
      source: BSBVD16
      title: 'Pomponazzi, Pietro: PETRI POMPONATII MANTVAni summi & clarissimi suo tempore philosophi, de naturalium ... 1556. '
    - id: VD16 P 4145
      source: BSBVD16
      title: 'Pomponazzi, Pietro: PETRI POMPONATII PHILOSOPHI ET THEOLOGI DOCTRINA ET ingenio praestantissimi, Opera. De ... 1567. '
    - id: VD16 R 2311
      source: BSBVD16
      title: 'Ricius, Paul: IH APOSTOLORVM SIMBOLVM