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thesaurus/cnp01329738 Bosio, Antonio

Bosio, Antonio

Record IDcnp01329738
Biographical Data1811 - 1880
Place of BirthPadoue, Italie
Place of DeathTurin, Italie
Last Edit2020-05-27

General Note

Épigraphiste et historien. - Chanoine

More Information

Further Biographical Data09.04.1811-09.12.1880
Intellectual ResponsibilityAuteur
Primary Language(s)Italian

Place of Activity

Place of BirthPadoue, Italie (1811)
Lieu de naissance
Place of DeathTurin, Italie (1880)
Lieu de mort


HeadingBosio, Antonio
used in: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris


Found inArch. biogr. italiano. — BN Cat. gén.. — Iscrizioni torinesi / Antonio Bosio ; a cura di Luciano Tamburini, [ca 1971]

Same As

SUDOC (France)
Authority record

Map (activities)

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