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thesaurus/cnp01327542 Denys le Périégète

Denys le Périégète

Record IDcnp01327542
Biographical Data0100 - 0199
Last Edit2024-02-08

General Note

Géographe. Poète. Astrologue. Titre uniforme associé: Ixeuticon.
Griech. Geograph; Bibliothekar und Dichter zur Zeit Kaiser Hadrians; Fragmenta; De aucupio
Perieg. // Berk. Tusculum Lexikon.
Poeta didascalico e geografo greco, nato ad Alessandria, vissuto nel sec. II.

More Information

Further Biographical Dataca. 2. Jh.
Intellectual ResponsibilityAuteur
Primary Language(s)Greek, Ancient (to 1453)
ActivityPersonen zu Literaturgeschichte (Schriftsteller) (12.2p) (sswd)
Personen zu Geografie, Heimat- und Länderkunde (19.1dp) (sswd)
Bibliothekar (gnd)
Geograf (gnd)
Geographic NoteXS (iso3166-1)
Online ResourceOnline Resource
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Related Entries

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Bekanntschaft. -- VD-16 Mitverf.
Calcagnini, Celio, 1479-1541
Bekanntschaft. -- VD-16 Mitverf.
Linacre, Thomas, 1460-1524
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Morsing, Christian Torkelsen
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Priscianus, aus Caesarea
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Proclus, Diadochus, 412-485
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Calcagnini, Celio, 1479-1541
Bekanntschaft. -- VD-16 Mitverf.


HeadingDenys le Périégète
used in: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris
Dionysius, Periegetes
used in: British Library: English Short Title Catalogue, London (United Kingdom); Koninklijke Bibliotheek - National Library of the Netherlands, Den Haag (Netherlands); Central Institute for the Union Catalogue of Italian Libraries and for Bibliographic Information, Rome (Italy)
Dionysius, Periegeta
used in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany; Common Library Network (GBV), Göttingen (Germany)
Variant NameDenis le Périégète
Denys Alexandrin
Denys d'Alexandrie
Denys l'Alexandrin
Dionisio Periegeta
Dionúsios ho Periēgēté̄s
Greek, Modern (1453- )
Dionysios der Perieget
Dionysius Afer
Dionysius Periegetes
Dionýsios Periīgīté̄s
Greek, Modern (1453- )
Dionýsios ho Periīgītí̄s
Greek, Modern (1453- )
Διονύσιος Περιηγητής
Greek, Modern (1453- )
Διονύσιος ὁ Περιηγητής
Greek, Modern (1453- )
Denys, Alexandrin
Denys, Alexandrin
Denys, le Périégète
Dionigi, di Alessandria
Dionigi, il Periegete
Dionusios, Alexandreōs
Dionysios, Bibliothekar
Dionysios, Periegetes
Dionysios, der Perieget
Dionysios, der Perieget
Dionysios, der Periheget
Dionysios, von Alexandreia
Dionysius, Afer
Dionysius, Afri
Dionysius, Apher
Dionysius, Afer
Dionysius, Alexandrinus
Dionysius, Apher
Dionysius, Geographus
Dionysius, Halicarnaseus
Dionysius, Periegetes
Dionysius, Thessalonicensis
Periegeta, Dionysius
Dionysios, von Alexandria
Dionysius, Alexandrinus
Denys le Périégète [Sources: BU; NBG; CHEV; BNPC]
Dionisio il Periegeta [Sources: DEI; EI]
Dionisius [Sources: JO]
Dionysios Periegetes [Sources: IBN]
Dionysios der Perieget [Sources: TULEX; PAU]
Dionysius, Afer
Dionysius, Lybicus
Dionysius Afer
Nome su edizioni
Dionysius Lybicus
Nome su edizioni
Dionysius Periegetes [Sources: FABGR; OCD; BLC; BSBAK; NUC; ADCAM; BMSTC; ENG; KR]
Dionysius of Periegetes [Sources: HDCLA]


Found inBN Cat. gén. : Denis le Périégète. — BN Cat. gén. 1960-1969 : Dionysius Periegetes. — GDEL. — Clavis SGL. — DOC / V. Volpi, 1994. — GK55. — NUC. — PAN. — Thes. ling. Graec.. — Lex. alte Welt. — KR. — ENG. — BMSTC. — ADCAM. — BSBAK. — BLC. — OCD. — FABGR. — JO. — HDCLA. — EI. — DEI. — IBN. — PAU. — TULEX. — BNPC. — CHEV. — NBG. — BU. — PND
Imprint SourcesLa description de la terre habitée de Denys d'Alexandrie ou la Leçon de géographie / [introd. et trad. par] Christian Jacob, 1990
De situ orbis liber. - 1556
De totius orbis situ. - 1534
Dionysiu oikumenēs periēgēsis, Aratu phainomena, Proklu spha*. - 1523
Dionysiu oikumenēs periēgēsis, Aratu phainomena, Proklu spha*. - 1543
Dionysius : Dionysiu oikumenēs periēgēsis, Aratu phainomena, Proklu spha*. - 1523
Dionysius : Dionysiu oikumenēs periēgēsis, Aratu phainomena, Proklu spha*. - 1543
Dionysius : Oikumēnēs .... - 1668
Dionysius : Tēs oikumenēs periēgēsis. - 1547
Oikumēnēs .... - 1668
Orbis descriptio. - 1710
Orbis terrarum descriptio. - 1828
Situs orbis. - 1508
The surveye of the world, or situation of the earth. - 1572
Tēs oikumenēs periēgēsis. - 1547
Dionysius : De situ orbis liber. - 1556
Dionysius : De totius orbis situ. - 1534
Dionysius : Orbis descriptio. - 1710
Dionysius : Orbis terrarum descriptio. - 1828
Dionysius : Situs orbis. - 1508
Dionysius : The surveye of the world, or situation of the earth. - 1572
T145303(Greek and Latin genitives) Dionysiou ... Dionysii
Oikumenēs perihēgēsis. 1508.
Oikumenēs perihēgēsis. 1512.
Oikumenēs perihēgēsis. 1515.
Oikumenēs perihēgēsis. 1522.
Oikumenēs perihēgēsis. 1530.
Oikumenēs perihēgēsis. 1534.
Oikumenēs perihēgēsis. 1556.
Phaenomena. 1534.
Phaenomena. 1543.
Proclus Diadochus: De motu circulari corporum caelestium. 1547.
De situ orbis liber.... / By Dionysius Alexandrinus. ; Translated by A. ..., 1736
depiction of ...
World map of Dionysios Periegetis
[Dr. Konrad Miller / Mappae Mundi Bd. Vi. "Rekonstruierte Karten" -- Public domain -- http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Karte Dionysius.jpg]

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