0RL 00000nz 22000003 45 001 cnp01326306 035 $zcnp00017991 035 $zcnp00105366 035 $zcnp00656483 035 $zcnp00966413 100 $a20120229xmuly50 ba 110 $a0 120 $ab 200 1$aCostard$bGeorge$cFR$5BNF$cDE$5GyFmDB$cUK$5ESTC(AACR2)$cUK$5ESTC(GK)$cDE$5GyGoGBV 200 1$aCostard$bGeorge$cFR$5BNF 200 1$aCostard$bGeorge$cDE$5GyGoGBV 290 $aGK55 290 $aDNB 290 $aNUC 290 $aLoC-NA 291 1$aA Critical dissertation concerning the words daimōn and daimónion, 1738 291 1$aA further account of the rise and progress of Astronomy amongstt the A*. - 1748 291 1$aA letter to Martin Folkes Psq. concerning the rise and progress of str*. - 1746 291 1$aAstronomical and philological coniectures on a passage in Homer. - 1768 291 1$aCostard, George: A letter to Martin Folkes Psq. concerning the rise and progress of str*. - 1746 291 1$aCostard, George: Astronomical and philological coniectures on a passage in Homer. - 1768 291 1$aT002842 291 1$aThe History of Astronomy. - 1767 291 1$aThe use of Astronomy in History and Chronology exemplified in an inqui*. - 1764 300 1$8ger$aAstronom 300 1$8ger$aFranzös. Astronom 300 1$8eng$aSee also ta011620. - Astronomical writer 300 1$8fre$aFellow de Wadham college d'Oxford. Auteur d'ouvrages d'astronomie 300 1$8fre$aSource(s) consultée(s) en vain: Encycl. britannica, 15 ed. 300 1$8ger$aPND-Grundbestand 340 01$8eng$a1710-10.01.1782$xa1710a1782 340 01$8und$a1710-1782$xa1710a1782 350 1$0acti$8ger$aGeistlicher$uhttp://d-nb.info/gnd/4137184-7$2gnd 350 1$0lang$8eng$aEnglish 350 1$0irsp$8fre$aAuteur 356 1$0geon$8und$aFR$2iso3166 356 1$0geon$8und$aGB$2iso3166 356 1$0nati$8eng$aBritish 356 1$0ctry$8ger$aFrankreich 356 1$0geon$8ger$aGroßbritannien 400 11$aGentleman of Wadham college Oxford$bA$8fre$nPseudonyme$0pseu 400 11$aPhilalethes$8fre$nPseudonyme$0pseu 400 01$aAuthor of the first$0varn 400 01$aC*****d$rRabbi$0varn 400 01$aCostard$bG.$rGeorge$0varn 400 01$aCostard$bGeorgius$0varn 400 01$aGentleman of Wadham College Oxford$0varn 400 01$aRabbi C*****d$0varn 801 $aDE$bGyGoGBV$c20050707$n142429430 801 $aDE$bPND$c20010227$n100092977$gRAK 801 $aGB$bESTC$ntb011620 801 $aFR$bBNF$c19891005$nFRBNF121264036$gAFNOR Z 44-061 801 $aDE$bGyGoGBV$c20020330$n137009178 801 $aDE$bGND$c20220721$n117700371 830 $aBLAISE-No. current:10628556 old:10628556 file:BEIG 830 $aLC|n 85099794 830 $aNLA|000035054750 830 $aSUDOC|078668727 830 $6VIAF merged record 956 8$0same$nDNBI$yhttp://d-nb.info/gnd/100092977$8eng$zAuthority record 956 8$0same$nVIAF$yhttp://viaf.org/viaf/29870564$8eng$zClustered authority record 956 8$0same$nWDAT$yhttp://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q18534803$8eng$zWikidata description set 956 8$0same$nDNBI$yhttp://d-nb.info/gnd/117700371$8eng$zAuthority record 956 9$0orig$nPARB$yhttp://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb12126403m$8eng$zAuthority record 956 9$0bibl$nKAPE$y117700371$8eng$zManuscript material 998 $a20120229$b12:00:00 999 $a20120910$b18:41:33 999 $a20121025$b12:00:00 999 $a20160520$b12:00:00 999 $a20190503$b12:00:00 999 $a20190925$b12:00:00 999 $a20200527$b12:00:00 999 $a20200831$b15:00:02 999 $a20200914$b12:00:00 999 $a20220906$b12:00:00