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thesaurus/cnp01323887 Charles-Albert, roi de Sardaigne

Charles-Albert, roi de Sardaigne

Record IDcnp01323887
Bibliografische gegevens1798 - 1849
GeboorteplaatsTurin (Italie)
Plaats van overlijdenPorto (Portugal)
Voor het laatst bewerkt2024-02-08

Algemene noot

Fils de Charles-Emmanuel de Savoie, prince de Carignan. - Roi de Sardaigne (1831-1849). - En 1849, après avoir abdiqué en faveur de son fils Victor-Emmanuel II, il s'exile au Portugal sous le nom de comte de Barge

Meer informatie

Verdere bibliografische gegevens02.10.1798-28.07.1849
Intellectuele verantwoordelijkheidAuteur
Primaire talenItalian

Plaats van werkzaamheid

GeboorteplaatsTurin (Italie) (1798)
Lieu de naissance
Plaats van werkzaamheidSardaigne (Royaume), 1831-1849 (Charles-Albert)
Plaats van overlijdenPorto (Portugal) (1849)
Lieu de mort


KopjeCharles-Albert, roi de Sardaigne
gebruikt in: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris
NaamsvariantBarge, Carlo-Alberto di
Barge, Charles-Albert de
Carlo-Alberto, roi de Sardaigne
Carlo-Alberto di Savoia
Charles-Albert de Savoie


Gevonden inBN Cat. gén.. — BN Cat. gén. suppl.. — Décret de Charles Albert de Savoie, prince de Carignan, régent du royaume, 1821. — Memoriali / Carlo Alberto di Savoia, 1923. — L'epistolario di un re : Carlo Alberto a Maria Di Robilant, 1827-1844 / a cura di Isabella Massabò Ricci, 1999. — GDEL : Charles-Albert. — Dizionario biografico degli Italiani : Carlo Alberto, re di Sardegna - http://www.treccani.it/enciclopedia (2015-12-16)
depiction of ...
The character is represented standing, in three quarters of a figure, with the body slightly oriented in three quarters, and so is the face. The gaze is turned to the left. The hair is worn short and straight, forehead uncovered. He wears the buttoned jacket and the trousers of the uniform of the army of the Kingdom of Sardinia. A band in marbled fabric crosses the bust and a second one, decorated with a diagonal stripe motif, surrounds the waist, from which the sword closed in its sheath also hangs. On the shoulders rests the collar of the order of the SS.ma Annunziata and from the neck hang three honors, not clearly recognizable. On the chest are pinned the plaque of the Order of the Most Holy Annunciation, that of the order of Saints Maurice and Lazarus and a third. A gloved hand rests on the hilt of the sword. The other on a table, covered with a carpet on which there is the other glove and a cushion decorated with chevron and tassels on which a closed crown and the staff of command are represented. A marquee closes the scene revealing a piece of landscape on the left with rocks, sea and a sky furrowed by clouds.
[Pietro Ayres / https://www.catalogo.beniculturali.it/detail/HistoricOrArtisticProperty/0100399466 -- Public domain -- http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Ritratto di S.M. Carlo Alberto di Savoia.png]

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