South, Robert
Identifiant de la noticecnp01321419
Données biographiques1634 - 1716
Dernière modification2024-10-30
Note générale
Pasteur et théologien
Engl. Theologe und Prediger; Verfasser lat. Gedichte
4 Sep. 1634-8 July 1716
Plus d'information
Autres données biographiques1634-1716
Responsabilité intellectuelleAuteur
Langue(s) principale(s)English
ActivitéPersonen zu Kirchengeschichte, Systematischer und Praktischer Theologie, Kirche und Konfession (3.6p) (sswd)
Theologe (gnd)
Note géographiqueGB (iso3166)
NationalitéUnited Kingdom
RubriqueSouth, Robert
utilisé dans: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris
South, Robert, D.D.
utilisé dans: British Library: English Short Title Catalogue - GK Heading, London (United Kingdom)
South, Robert
utilisé dans: Integrated Authority File (GND), Allemagne; British Library: English Short Title Catalogue - AACR2 Heading, London (United Kingdom); Réseau commun des bibliothèques (GBV), Göttingen (Allemagne)
VarianteSouth, Robertus
A divine of the Church of England
Divine of the Church of England, A
Trouvé dansGK55. — AO. — OWestminsters. — LoC. — Animadversions upon Dr. Sherlock's book, entituled A Vindication of the holy and everblessed Trinity, &c., Together with a more necessary vindication of that sacred, and prime article of the Christian faith from his new notions, and false explications of it, by a divine of the Church of England, 1693. — Twelve sermons preached upon several occasions, by Robert South. The 6th edition. London : J. Bowyer, 1727. — Oxford English lit.. — DNB. — Michaud. — BN Cat. gén.
SourcesT142938=By Robert South