Burton, Richard Francis
Datensatz IDcnp01316732
Lebensdaten1821 - 1890
Letzte Änderung2024-02-08
A aussi traduit de l'arabe, de l'hindou et du portugais en anglais
Explorateur, linguiste
Weiterführende Informationen
Weitere Lebensdaten1821-1890
AktivitätPersonen zu Geografie, Heimat- und Länderkunde (19.1dp) (sswd)
Forschungsreisender (gnd)
Übersetzer (gnd)
Entdecker (gnd)
Linguist (gnd)
Offizier (gnd)
Orientalist (gnd)
Schriftsteller (gnd)
Geographische AnmerkungGB (iso3166)
NationalitätUnited Kingdom
Beziehungen zu anderen Entitäten
ElternteilBurton, Joseph Netterville, 1782-1857
Beziehung familiaer. -- Vater
EhepartnerBurton, Isabel, 1831-1896
Beziehung familiaer. -- Ehefrau
Siehe auchBaker, Richard, 1762-1824
Beziehung familiaer. -- Großvater
Burton, Edward Joseph, 1824-
Beziehung familiaer. -- Bruder
Burton, Maria Katherine Elizabeth, 1823-
Beziehung familiaer. -- Schwester
AnsetzungsformBurton, Richard Francis
verwendet in: Biblioteka Narodowa, Warszawa
Burton, Richard Francis
verwendet in: Bibliothèque nationale de France, Paris
Burton, Richard Francis
verwendet in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Variante NamensformB. F.
Burton, Richard
Burton, Richard F.
Hâjî Abdű al-Yazdi
Hâjî Abdű el-Yezdî
A. F. R. G. S.
B., F.
Baker, Frank
Beoteon, Licheodeu F.
Burton, R. F.
Burton, Richard, Sir
F. B.
Li cheo deu F. Beo teon
Bīrtūn, Ritšārd F.
arab. Namensform
Бёртон, Ричард Фрэнсис
[Cyrillic, *Russian*]
Bwana Burton
PseudonymAbdû el-Yezdî, Hâjî
Hâjî Abdû el-Yezdî
Yezdi, Haji Abdu ¬el-¬
Abdû el-Yezdî
Hâjî Abdû al-Yazdi
Hâjî Abdû ĕl-Yezdî
Hāǧī ʿAbdū al-Yazdī
Nachgewiesen inThe Arabian Nights Enetrtainments. Vol. 1-2. - New York, cop. 1955. (Tł). — LCA. — DNB. — GDEL. — Voyage aux grands lacs de l'Afrique orientale / par le capitaine R. Burton, 1988. — Voyages à La Mecque et chez les Mormons / Richard Francis Burton, 1991. — LCAuth. — Wikipedia: Stand: 14.10.2021: https://de.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Richard_Francis_Burton&oldid=214569462. — Ripley, G. / C.A. Dana: The New American Cyclopaedia, New York 1875 (16 Bde.)
WerkeThe Kasîdah. - 1926
Abeokuta and the Camaroons Mountains
The city of the saints and across the Rocky Mountains to California. - 1861
Goa and the Blue Mountains. - 1851
Personal narrative of a pilgrimage to El Medinah and Meccah. - 1855
Sindh and the races that inhabit the valley of the Indus. - 1850
The Kasidah of Haji Abdu El-Yezdi
Trojanow, Ilija: Der Weltensammler. - 2006
Zanzibar. - 1872
A glance at the passion play. - 1881
A mission to Gelele, King of Dahomé. - 1864
Burton, Isabel: The life of Captain Sir Richard F. Burton. - 1893
Exploration of the highlands of Brazil. - 1869
Falconry in the valley of the Indus. - 1852
First footsteps in East Africa; or, An exploration of Harar. - 1856
Letters from the battlefields of Paraguay. - 1870
Ondaatje, Christopher: Sindh revisited: a journey in the footsteps of Captain Sir Richard Francis Burton. 1842-1849, the India years. - 1996
Plain and literal translation of the Arabian nights entertainments .... - 1925
The book of the sword. - 1883
The gold-mines of Midian and the ruined Midianite cities. - 1878
The lake regions of Central Africa. - 1860
The land Midian. - 1877
The land of Midian revisited. - 1879
Two trips to gorilla land. - 1876
Ultima Thule. - 1875
Unexplored Syria. - 1872