@prefix ct: . @prefix foaf: . @prefix gnd: . @prefix rdaGr3: . @prefix owl: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix skos: . @prefix rdaRelGr2: . @prefix rel: . @prefix rdaGr2: . @prefix edm: . @prefix wgs84_pos: . @prefix gn: . rdaGr2:gender ; owl:sameAs , , , gnd:170345122, , ; rdaGr2:variantNameForThePerson "Phillips, William", "Phillips, William Addison"; rdaGr2:dateOfBirth "1824"^^xsd:gYear, "1824"^^xsd:gYear; gn:countryCode "GB", "US"; rdf:type ; skos:note "Journaliste. Homme politique"@fr, "Immigrated to the United States in 1838 with his parents, who settled in Randolph County, Ill."@de; foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf ; gnd:publicationOfThePerson "Labor, land and law, a search for the missing wealth of the working poor / by William A. Phillips, 1886", "The conquest of Kansas, by Missouri and her allies / by William Phillips, 1856", "Labor, land and law, a search for the missing wealth of the working poor. - 1886"; rdaGr2:nameOfThePerson "Phillips, William Addison", "Phillips, William A."; rdaGr2:biographicalInformation "Paisley, 14.01.1824-Fort Gibson, 30.11.1893"@en, "14.01.1824-30.11.1893"@de; ct:geographicNote "American"@en, "USA"@de, "Großbritannien"@de; rdaGr2:dateOfDeath "1893"^^xsd:gYear, "1893"^^xsd:gYear; rdaGr2:fieldOfActivityOfThePerson "English"@en, "Auteur"@fr, "Journalist"@de, "Politiker"@de.