CERL Thesaurus

thesaurus/cnp01297192 Poniński, Władysław

Poniński, Władysław

Record IDcnp01297192
Last Edit2019-09-26

General Note

Graf, Cron-Referendarius, Starost zu Graudentz/Oycow

More Information

Further Biographical Data-1731
ActivityOffizier (gnd)
Referendar (gnd)
Starost (gnd)
Personen zu politischer Theorie, Militär (8.4p) (sswd)
Geographic NotePL (iso3166)


HeadingPoniński, Władysław
used in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Variant NamePoninski, Vladislaus
Poninski, Vladislav
Poninski, Wladislaus
Poninski, Władisław


Found inPolski slownik biograficzny (WBIS)
Imprint SourcesAnmerckungen über Das angemaßte Manifest Des Herrn Vladislai Poninski, Cron-Referendarii, Starosten zu Graudentz/Oycow, &c. - 1711

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