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thesaurus/cnp01295798 Somerset, Charles Seymour ¬of¬, Duke

Somerset, Charles Seymour ¬of¬, Duke

Record IDcnp01295798
Biographical Data1662 - 1748
Place of DeathPetworth
Last Edit2024-02-08

General Note

Studium am Trinity College in Cambridge; 1678 nach dem Tod des Bruders 6. Herzog von Somerset; als Privy Councillor Mitunterzeichner der Proklamation Jakobs II.; fiel in Ungnade und Rückzug vom Hof; 1688 Kanzler der Unviersität Cambrigde; 1688 während der Glorious Revolution Parteigänger von Wilhelm von Oranien; unter William III. President of the council; Günstling von Königin Anne u. 1702 Master of the Horse; unter Georg I. Privy Councillor u. Master of the Horse

More Information

Further Biographical Data12.08.1662-02.12.1748
Title of NobilityHerzog (gnd)
ActivityAdel (gnd)
Geheimer Rat (gnd)
Höfling (gnd)
Geographic NoteGB (iso3166)

Place of Activity

Place of DeathPetworth

Related Entries

SpousePercy, Elizabeth, 1667-1722
Beziehung familiaer. -- Ehefrau


HeadingSomerset, Charles Seymour ¬of¬, Duke
used in: Integrated Authority File (GND), Germany
Variant NameCarolus, Somerset, Herzog
Charles, Duke of Somerset
Charles, Somerset, Duke
Duke of Somerset
Seymour, Charles
Seymour, Charles, sixth Duke of Somerset
Seymour, Charles of Somerset
Carolus, Somerset, Dux
Carolus Seymour, Dux Somersetensis
Carolus Seymour, Sextus Dux Somersetensis
Somerset, Carolus Seymour ¬Dux¬
Somerset, Charles Seymour ¬von¬
Sommerset, Charles Seymour ¬of¬
Sommerset, Charles Seymour ¬von¬


Found inBritish Biographical Archive (WBIS). — LCAuth. — BAV
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