RubriqueRigby, Edward utilisé dans: Integrated Authority File (GND), Allemagne; Réseau commun des bibliothèques (GBV), Göttingen (Allemagne); British Library: English Short Title Catalogue - AACR2 Heading, London (United Kingdom)
Rigby, Edward, M.D., the Elder utilisé dans: British Library: English Short Title Catalogue - GK Heading, London (United Kingdom)
VarianteRigby, Eduard
Rigby, Dr., Edward
Rigbys, Edward
Trouvé dansGK55. — LCAuth. — BBA
SourcesVersuch über den Ursprung der thierischen Wärme. - 1789
An essay on the theory of the production of animal heat and on its appli*. - 1785
Letters from France ... in 1789. - 1880
T033061: his An essay on the use of the red Peruvian bark in the cure of intermittents, 1783 tp=By Edward Rigby
Portrait of Edward Rigby (1747-1821), English physician. [
Artist Joseph Clover
/ Art UK -- Public domain -- Rigby Clover.jpg]
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